If your ‘religion’ requires you to hate and kill everyone who is not of your ‘religion’, then you need a new religion...

See (TRUTH #4.) and (Man’s Inhumanity to Man)

Islam is all LIES from the FATHER OF LIES!
The koran is certainly unworthy of its alleged “Divine” Authorship!

Islam was dreamt up by an insane con man to inflate his ego, have plenty of sexual access to women, and fill his treasure chest.

There are just four basic truths that people must learn about Islam.

(TRUTH #1.) Everything that Muslims claim concerning Islam, is a LIE!
(A.) There is no “Revealed Truth”!

(B.) The Moon-god “Allah” was originally the Head ‘god’ of Mohammad’s Meccan, Quraysh Arab tribal pantheon of about 360 pagan idols, and had been ‘worshiped’ for over a thousand years before Mohammad was born. Each Arab Tribe had its own assorted pagan deities that they worshiped. The attributes of ‘Allah’ were the same as the pagan moon-god Baal. The ‘worship’ of Baal or Moloch goes back to the Phoenicians and others around 9,000 years B.C.

(C.) Islam has no legitimate proof of any pre-history that they claim.

(a.) No proof of descending from Abraham or Ishmael.

(b.) However, there is plenty of proof refuting those lies.

(D.) There are no predictions in the Old or New Testament concerning Islam.

(a.) If Islam was a ‘successor’ religion then they would necessarily have to fulfill and complement the prior religion. Jesus and his Ministry were predicted many times in the Old Testament. However, there is not one word in the OT or the NT concerning Islam or Mohammad!

(E.) Why would an all-knowing “god” not get everything RIGHT the first time?

(a.) Nearly everything written in the Koran for the first thirteen years during Mohammad’s peaceful Meccan period was abrogated (overturned) after he started his Medinan period as a Barbarian Warlord. However, the abrogated Meccan Surahs were retained as part of the Koran.

(b.) Moslems will tell you that both conflicting passages are TRUE because they are all in the koran, even though they totally contradict each other.

(c.) When something disagrees with earlier Meccan passages, the LATER passages prevail as the superior “TRUTH” to Islam.

(F.) Islam has been practicing Jihad, fighting against the entire world for 1400 years.

(G.) Muslims are incapable of “Assimilating” it violates the Koran and Shariah Law... to do so, causes heads to roll…

(H.) Speaking of ‘Heads rolling’ that is what is supposed to happen if you leave Islam.

 (TRUTH #2.) Much of the Koran was plagiarized from other sources and then rewritten.
(A.) Mohammad was illiterate and originally, he and his tribe were Moon-god ‘worshiping’ heathens. Mohammad then used a mashup of his pagan tribal beliefs, plagiarized oral accounts from some of the Apocryphal books, including some of the false teachings of heretical ‘christian’ and ‘jewish’ sects, as well as oral accounts of actual Jewish, Christian, Gnostic, and Zoroastrian beliefs and writings to flesh out his koran. He also plagiarized some of the faulty ‘science’ from other cultures, such as Ancient Greek “medicine”, by plagiarizing Doctor Galen’s (circa 150 AD) absurd description of how babies are formed in the womb. (The bones are formed first, then the bones are then ‘clothed’ with flesh…) among many other absurdities! 

(TRUTH #3.) Adult Muslim males have no respect for women and children and act like male chauvinist pigs!
Women are banned from receiving an education or working outside the home, except for selected female doctors. Male doctors cannot treat women. (BTW: Where do Female doctors come from, if they are disallowed an education or work outside the home?) Women cannot leave their homes unless accompanied by an adult male relative or husband. They cannot drive a car, or deal with shopkeepers. Women must NOW wear undecorated clothing that covers them from head to foot.

The HIJAB was invented in the early 1970s by Mussa Sadr, an Iranian mullah who had won the leadership of the Lebanese Shi’ite community. Muslims believe the Quran was written over 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 AD, when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632, the year of his death.  

“In 1981, Abol-Hassan Bani-Sadr, the first president of the Islamic Republic, announced that “scientific research had shown that women’s hair emitted rays that drove men insane.”  To protect the public, the new Islamist regime passed a law in 1982 making the hijab mandatory for females aged above six, regardless of religious faith. Violating the hijab code was made punishable by 100 lashes of the cane and six months imprisonment. By the mid-1980s, a form of hijab never seen in Islam before the 1970s had become standard gear for millions of women all over the world, including Europe and America.” 
 The New York Times published an article titled “The day 100,000 Iranian women protested the headscarf (hijab)”. A seldom-seen collection of photographs, shot in Tehran in 1979, is challenging perceptions of the feminist movement in Iran. The article states in part: When 34-year-old photographer Azadeh Fatehrad first laid eyes on an image by Hengameh Golestan, of women protesting in the streets of Tehran in 1979, she was struck immediately — it was unlike anything she had seen before.

The hijab was invented over 1300 years after the Quran was written. Islamic law and fatwas did not start forcing women to wear the hijab until after 1980. It is something NEW to Islam and wearing the Hijab (veil) and Niqab (face veil) (As of the late 1950s) is also something NEW! The act of introducing new ideas into Islam is always supposed to be forbidden, this is called “al Biddah Heresy”. Biddah is an invention or innovation by Moslems that has never been previously mentioned anywhere in Islamic writings, or not in the koran, Hadiths, or any other ancient Islamic writings.

 Muslims believe that it is OK and permissible by the unholy Koran to gang rape any woman who is out alone, or out with a non-relative male. “She was asking for it”. “She is ‘uncovered meat’”. If raped, it is the woman who is usually found guilty… and often killed. If she is caught in adultery, she is buried up to her chest in sand and stoned to death. They will kill their OWN Mothers, Wives, and Daughters for the “CRIME” of getting RAPED! They call this an Honor Killing”. In Islam, rape is considered a crime that the victim commits for luring the man to an act of fornication.

The rapist is killed IF he is convicted by the women he raped, by having FOUR MALE witnesses testify against him. The way it works is: If there are other Muslim males nearby, they usually participate in the rape too, so where would the women get “Four Male Witnesses”?

Male Muslims are legally able to sexually molest young boys under Shariah Law, what they call “Bacha Bazi” or Dancing Boys, where “Women are for babies and boys are for pleasure”. Boys are groomed as sexual partners and companions.

Infant girls and boys are subject to ‘Thighing’ and other forms of LEGALIZED INCEST according to Shariah Law. The child’s legs are pressed together, and the abuser inserts his pe-nis between the thighs of the little boy or girl.

(This listing of “legalized” licentious sexual crimes could go on and on, ad nauseam)

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is NOT mentioned in the Koran, nor the “Reliance of the Traveler” or even mentioned in Shariah Law! 
It is a primitive custom that was brought into Islam by those tribes that were previously practicing it. Now many people, including most Muslims, wrongly believe it is a part of Islam. 
The act of introducing new ideas into Islam is always supposed to be forbidden, this is called “Biddah Heresy”. Biddah is an invention or innovation by Moslems, that has never been previously mentioned anywhere in Islamic writings, or not in the koran or the Hadiths or any other ancient Islamic writings. 
“Biddah” is Haram and is considered heresy, it is an innovation in Islam, it is the invention, creation, or addition of any religious matter that was not (originally) found in Islam. Therefore, Islam warns against it and invalidates any religious deed that does not originate from the koran and the Sunnah. Muhammad says in this respect: “He who innovates something that is not in agreement with our matter (religion), will have it rejected.” 
FGM and Halal Certification are not a legitimate part of Islam, yet Muslims fully support them both! 
In Muslim countries, the FGM deed is mainly done by an untrained person, sometimes a close relative, or a person who is similar to a midwife. No sanitary equipment or procedures are used or anything to relieve pain. They just use a dirty double-edged razor blade or other crude instrument! It is done to cause intense pain for the woman (or young girl) while having intercourse. The reason this is done is to supposedly keep the female “pure” and for her to avoid sex outside of marriage. You don’t ‘choose’ FGM at six years or younger, it is forcefully done to you, whether you like it or not. You can object all you want, but it is “done for your own good”.

(TRUTH #4.) They all despise, murder, and make war on all non-Mozlems and all other Mozlem sects too!
Members of one Islamic group do not usually recognize members of other Islamic groups as valid or true fellow Moslems, and open conflict between sects has been a normal course of practice throughout Islam’s history.

They all believe that anyone of any other Muslim Sect other than their own Sect, are considered to be hypocrites and apostates or ‘murtadeen’ (not really ‘Muslim’) Islam has around 73 different sects remaining in existence, and all of the different sects despise and murder each other and they all make war upon one another because: “They do not believe as we do”. They each have their own versions of Shariah Law. There were many hundreds more Mozlem Sects in the past, but Islam brought the TRUE “Peace of Islam” to all those ‘missing’ Sects!

Islam has been AT WAR WITH THE ENTIRE WORLD ever since Mohammad invaded Medina. Moslems have been at war with themselves, ever since they broke up into different sects, shortly after its founder Mohammad died. It has been: Shiah vs. Sunni vs. Brelvi Sunni vs. Deobandi Sunni vs. Wahabi Sunni vs. Sufi Sunni vs. Twelver Shiah vs. Zaydi Shiah vs. Ismaili Shiah vs. Alawi vs. Ibadi vs. Druze vs. Ahmadiyya... and on ad nauseam!

Shortly after the beginning of the “Protestant Reformation” starting with Luther’s Peasants War in 1524, until the end of the Thirty Years’ War, from 1618 – 1648, for 124 years Christians fought wars against other Christians!
They were the Lutherans – 1517, Anabaptists – 1520, Swiss Reformed – 1523, and Mennonites – in 1525, then later in 1534 Henry the Eighth formed the Anglican Church, only 17 years after the original “Reformation”.
They ALL made war with each other and with the Catholic Church, killing each other and burning each other’s churches. Since then, there have not been any more Christian vs. Christian Wars. However, the Muslim vs. Muslim Wars have been ongoing for 1,400 years!

By Moslem Standards Their “Success” is measured by what they have done to affect your “status” with them. “Muslims must fight against the unbelievers, first invite them to accept Islam, then if they refuse, ask them to pay the jizya which is a tax specified in chapter 9 verse 29 of the koran as a tax in tribute to the Muslims as a sign of one’s submission to the oppressive yoke of Islam, then if they still refuse both ‘options’ they will go to war against them.” This is the basis for Islamic warfare that has conquered a tremendous portion of the world.
(A.) Whether they have converted you, by any and all means.
(B.) Subjected you to a Dhimmi-Slave status and you have paid the annual 30% or more and it is called the Jizyah Tax: a ransom for your head as ‘Protection Money’, you will receive absolutely no benefit as a non-Moslem. This is just like the “Protection Racket” of Organized Crime. It is imposed on non-Moslems who live under Moslem rule. (Dhimmis)
(C.) Cut off your hand and foot on opposite sides, (the same as if you were caught as a thief).
(D.) or enslaved as an actual slave. 
(Harem Girls were non-Muslims that were captured to be sex slaves)
(E.) Killed you!

Dhimmi: Non-Moslems living under Islamic law (Shariah), who enjoy legal status, but are subject to many oppressive restrictions and the Jizyah tax. Dhimmis are also described as humans of second class, often being referred to as the ‘People of the Book’, i.e., Jews and Christians.

The koran readily admits that it is a form of humiliation, meant to display the superior status of Moslems and the subdued state of non-Moslems. koran 9:29

What’s a “Dhimwit” you say?
Glad you asked!...

But first, you need to know what a “Dhimmi” is: 
From TheReligionofPeace.com 
Dhim·mi (dîm-mî or zîm-mî) - An Islamic term that refers to a subjugated non-Moslem person living in a Moslem society.
Second-class status is confirmed by the Shariah Law legal system and dhimmis do not share any of the rights of their Moslem rulers. Dhimmis pay the annual Jizyah tax, it is like the Mafia’s ‘Protection Racket’ a ransom for your head, and you pay 30% to 50% or more — the money, or tribute, that conquered non-Muslims pay to their Islamic overlords “with willing submission and while feeling themselves subdued” to safeguard their existence, as indicated in koran 9:29
Dhimmi are restricted in everything that they do, or would like to do! 
Muslims demand full control of EVERYTHING that you do, no matter if you are Muslim or not! 

Dhimwit (dïm-wît) - A non-Moslem member of a free society that abets the stated cause of Islamic domination with remarkable gullibility.

A dhimwit is always quick to extend sympathy to the very enemy that would take away his or her own freedom (or life) if given the opportunity. 

As of 8/21/24
See the latest updated version of this graphic: 

List of Killings in the Name of Islam: Last 30 Days 

This is a List of Islamic Terror Attacks from the Past 30 Days.  

According to thereligionofpeace.com Islam has committed more than 45,783 Islamic terrorist attacks around the world from 9/11/2001 to 8/21/24. Some are large some are small, but always with deadly intent. The list also includes the numbers of all those injured in each of the attacks. However, this list does not even count the TOTAL number of the hundreds of thousands KILLED and INJURED during all these attacks. Also included are more than a handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

List of attacks:


Note also, that many of these attacks are on OTHER MOZLEMS (those of a different Mozlem Sect than the attackers!)

See also: Useful Idiots

Man’s Inhumanity to Man      Murder and cruelty has been going on since Cain slew Able. However, where can you find in a “religious” book, of written instructions for committing atrocities: something that you MUST PERFORM to properly follow that religion? Islam has a book of required instructions to commit atrocities, it is the Koran!
There are 109 verses straight from the koran, demanding ALL muslims to steal from, hate, murder, and commit terror against all people who will not submit to a Dhimmi status, or convert to Islam.
This is NORMAL Authentic Islam, it is NOT “Extremism and Radicalism”, they are following the koran to the letter, anything less, you are considered an apostate or ‘murtadeen’ (not really ‘Muslim’) and you must be killed or converted. This is the TRUE Islam; the ISIS, Taliban and the rest of the Terrorist Organizations are following Islam as written in the koran.
Muslims who are NOT “Radical” are considered to be apostates and are supposed to be killed!

Mohammad is the example of the so-called “Perfect Man” whom all Moslems are to follow! Whatever evil he did, you also must do. Islam is a clear and immediate danger to any other system of thought, government, or religious belief and must be fought by any means necessary and exposed for the pernicious and hate-filled ideology that it is. 

If you need to tell lies about your “religion” to convince people to join, you need to get another Religion!
If your ‘religion’ requires you to hate and kill someone, you need another religion... 
Did any of the Prophets of the REAL GOD, YHWH come conquering with swords and chariots?

YES, YHWH did but only to a limited place, limited people, and for a limited time.
Unlike Islam where those COMMANDS are for ALL TIME, ALL PEOPLE, and EVERYWHERE!
The Muslim's so-called “prophet” with his fake, made-up “god” allah, certainly did! 
The koran is certainly unworthy of its alleged “Divine” Authorship!

Make Islam a “rumor”! 
THIS is indeed Biblical!

 This is why God told his people in the Old Testament to kill entire tribes, men, women, children, and all their animals. However, God did not tell the ancient Israelites to kill everyone they met, just certain specific tribes. Their sins had become genetic. God told His people to kill all Canaanites. They were an abomination in His Eyes. It is the same with the muslims who consider Islam their “religion”, but they are in reality worshiping Satan.

They are God’s enemies. I really lose my cool when either a muslim or a so-called “Christian” is trying to convince me that allah, the pagan moon-god, who in fact is Satan, is the same as the Most High-Eternal One; while the Mozlems also deny the Deity, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
For a long time, I wondered about that part, in the Bible, then when I examined Islam, I realized it was the right thing to do, killing them all! 

Deuteronomy 20 
16 But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: 17But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee: 18 That they teach you not to do after all their abominations, which they have done unto their gods; so should ye sin against the LORD your God.
As to the Bible, the Old Testament is the history of the Hebrews. Much of the Old Testament is a statement of history both good and bad, i.e., Descriptive (as opposed to Prescriptive like the violence of Islamic Doctrine). Further, the commands by God to the Hebrews to engage in violence were limited to a specific place, a specific time, and a specific group of people. Unlike Islam, there are no eternal commands to the Hebrews to spread Judaism to the whole world via warfare, subjugation, enslavement, and murder. There are no commands to kill all non-Jews who do not convert. Judaism does not even condone proselytizing. Jewish Law is only for Jews. In addition, there is no “perfect man” that all Jews are to eternally emulate. Unlike Islam.

Examine the Jihad verses in the Qur’an: which of them has geographic or chronological limits, on whom to kill?
They are to kill EVERYONE who is not a MOZLEM!
But then they have taken it one step further: They are to kill all Mozlems who are not of their own particular sect.
The examples and commands in the Qur’an are for all time and for every circumstance and situation, for instance:
Surah At-Taubah 9:29 commands Muslims to wage war against Jews, Christians & Zoroastrians UNTIL we are all killed, subjugated, or submit to extortion.

Unlike the Bible, which is descriptive history, the Qur’an is a list of prescriptive commands to apply to everyone everywhere for all time!

Those muslim women and children that we must kill, would have no compunction against killing you and your children.
They are taught from the cradle to hate and kill!
I have seen videos of tiny little kids practicing cutting off the heads of stuffed animals, and a video of a little two or three-year-old girl who was brainwashed into voicing that she wanted to be a Suicide Bomber... the kid is not old enough to know what a Suicide Bomber is or does!
But it has been drilled into her head, and it will keep being drilled into her head until she blows herself up... and everybody around her.

The book of heresy, blasphemy, and hypocrisy, known as the Koran, tells followers “To assume the identity of your enemy to defeat them”. Muslims do not belong in Western Civilization. Muslim countries are at least 400 years to 1400 years, behind the rest of the world. They are trained from birth to follow a political ideology disguised as the “religion” known as Islam and to “infiltrate foreign lands and convert, tax or kill infidels”. The Leftists and Islam have common goals, Totalitarian Rule, and Global Domination. Whom do you wish to win, the Leftists or Islam? To the righteous, those are extremely poor choices!

Halal food is NOT essential to a Moslem; they can eat any food, even an ‘infidelicious’ bacon sandwich if they are hungry, and there is no halal food to be obtained.

IMPORTANT FACT: If there is no halal food available, then a Moslem is allowed to eat non-halal food.  

SOURCE: World faiths: Teach yourself - Islam, by Ruqaiyyah Maqsood. ISBN 0-340-60901-X. Page 204

The 'Halal Certificate' extortion racket is just a scam to separate us non-Muslims from our hard-earned money while providing funds for the “Betterment” of Islam to finance Jihad... to kill us!

All a Muslim needs to do at the least to make his food “Halal” is by just saying Bismallah and it makes any food instantly Halal.

Surah 2:173 states:

‘If one is forced because there is no other choice, neither craving nor transgressing, there is no sin in him.’

Simply saying “Bismallah” (In the name of “Allah”) over it made it permissible to eat.

When the Moslems are in non-Islamic countries, it’s OK for them to eat non-halal food. The only requirement according to Shariah Law is to “pray before consuming non-halal foods.”

koran 5:3 “Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than “Allah” that which hath been killed by strangling or by a violent blow or by a headlong fall or by being gored to death; that which hath been (partly) eaten by a wild animal; unless ye are able to slaughter it (in due form); that which is sacrificed on stone (altars); (forbidden) also is the division (of meat) by raffling with arrows: that is impiety. This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion: yet fear them not but fear Me. This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed my favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. But if any forced by hunger with no inclination to transgression “Allah” is indeed Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful.”

The endless Islamic demands for halal food are a control technique, just as much of their whining for concessions are, many of their “religious obligations” also have a “get-out” clause such as this verse. The verse also “perfects” their religion at the point in time it was allegedly ‘descended’, rendering all earlier verses obsolete (technically). Not that they pay any attention to that IF it doesn’t suit their current political aims.

The killing of animals without stunning them causes unnecessary suffering, while activist group PETA rightly calls halal slaughter “prolonged torment”, saying the animals “fight and gasp for their last breath, struggling to stand while the blood drains from their necks”.

The British Veterinary Association calls for all animals to be effectively stunned before slaughter, while the Farm Animal Welfare Council says cutting an animal’s throat is “such a massive injury [that it] would result in very significant pain and distress in the period before insensibility supervenes”. Just watch any Halal Slaughter video for proof!

BTW: The eating of “Halal” meat is forbidden to Christians:
Acts 15:28-29:
‘It is the decision of the Holy Spirit and of us, not to place on you any burden beyond these necessities, namely, to abstain from MEAT SACRIFICED TO IDOLS, from blood, from meats of strangled animals, and from unlawful marriage. If you keep free of these, you will be doing what is right. Farewell.’

Revelation 2:20: But I have against thee a few things: because thou sufferest the woman Jezabel, who calleth herself a prophetess, to teach, and to seduce my servants, to commit fornication, and TO EAT OF THINGS SACRIFICED TO IDOLS.     (emphasis added)

Just some of the “pseudo-scientific” blunders of Seventh Century beliefs that are in the Koran and other Muslim “holey” books. 

Did you know?...

(1.) That the sun sets in a murky spring, and that people live nearby the spring where the sun sets? – Koran, Surah 18:86

(2.) The Earth does not revolve around the sun, nor does it rotate on its own axis? -- Koran 21.33      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzqBCp6HnUo 

(3.) There is a barrier that prevents fresh water and salt water from mixing? -- ar-Rahmaan 55:19-20

(4.) The urine and stools of Halal animals is good as a medicinal curative?

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 71, Number 590:, Volume 7, Book 71, Number 623:
(5a.) That human bones are formed first, then ‘clothed’ with flesh?

(5b.) That human beings come from clots of blood? -- “Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood, and of that clot We made an embryo; then We made out of that lump, bones, and clothed the bones with flesh. Then We developed another creation out of it. So blessed is God, the best of Creators” -- Koran 23: 12-14

(6.) That mountains were driven into the earth as pegs? -- Surah Naba 78 6-7

(7.) The World is flat?

Muslim scientist says the world is flat and the sun revolves around the earth because the Quran says so.


Does the Quran say the earth is flat?


Then came the idea that all things, including science, had to fall into line with Muslim belief and what was written in the Koran and other Muslim writings from the 7th Century…

Yet even today Muslims will believe everything that is in the koran is the TRUTH because Mohammad said that “Allah” told him it was so.

Islamic tactics: A political & military doctrine that comes wrapped in a barbed skin of piety.

Mohammad’s Islam: He, himself, either committed or would approve of today: abuse, assassinations, beatings, beheadings, bombings, burning and butchery of live people, car and truck bombing, enslavement, extortion, gassing, Hijrah, Jihad, hate, Honor-Killing, humiliating people, imperialism, jailing without due process, kidnapping, lying, maiming, making-war, murdering, occupy, pedophilia, racism, rape, rocket bombing, shelling, slaughter, slavery, slayings, starvation, stealing, stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals, suicide bombers, taxing of non-muslims, terror, torture, tossing homosexuals off buildings, whipping people with a rattan cane…

There are 91 verses in the koran that state in one way or another: Every Muslim is to imitate Mohammad in everything that he did…

     What’s not to love?

Mohammad was an illiterate Moon-god ‘worshiping’ heathen, 
who used oral accounts from some of the Apocryphal books, and teachings of heretical ‘christian’ and ‘jewish’ sects, to flesh out his koran. 
Moses forewarned his people - and Pharaoh - with verses before the events occurred while almost every single one of Muhammad’s ‘revelations’ occurred in hindsight, after the event and to explain away the reasons for actions taken - invariably illegal and immoral by all pre-Moslem standards - as ordered by him. 
1. Muslims believe the koran was “revealed” to Mohammed, who was, as Moslems insist, illiterate and, therefore, unable to verify the accuracy of the scripts written for him by some volunteering scribes of no particular high standards. Trusting Mohammed with the koran is a greater blunder than trusting an illiterate person to edit the New York Times. With a document as important as the koran, it would not be enough just to assume that the scribes were honest and trustworthy, especially since at least one of them, Abdulla Ibn Abi Al Sarh, admitted that he regularly made changes to the text of the koran without Mohammed even noticing! -- Ali Dashti, “23 years, a study of the (so-called) Prophetic career of Mohammed.”

2. Moslems claim that the koran was completely written during Mohammed’s lifetime, but there is no acceptable evidence to support such a claim. It is logical to believe that the koran was not professionally written in the first thirteen years of Islam, while Mohammed was still in Mecca because he simply didn’t have the resources to do it. One would expect that writing down the koran might have been Mohammed’s first priority after he assumed power in Medina, but he was too busy prosecuting wars to think of it. 

Reading the Koran does not mean much unless you understand two things about it in advance.
(1.) The Koran is not written in Chronological order, but from the longest chapter to the shortest. So, reading from start to finish does not give an order of events.
(2.) Mohammad invented what he calls, The Law of Abrogation. This means whatever he said on any given subject, abrogates, or cancels or negates, anything he said earlier in time on the same subject.
Knowing this, you can easily tell that if you read something nice and wholesome in the Koran, you just have to look in chapters that came after it in time, rather than in the book's page order, and you will know where Muslims stand on the issue. And usually, it's a much worse or more hostile attitude towards whatever the subject is.

The koran is disorganized in that the longest passages come first, graduating to shorter and shorter passages. Instead of chronological order like the Holy Bible! 
NOTE: if any passage disagrees or contradicts another passage, it is the latter (in time) written passage that is in effect, not the first abrogated (overturned) passage. 
But you must research this for chronological information using all of the “Unholy Three” of Islam’s books, especially the Hadiths from the Bukhari. 
But to simplify, it is the difference between the passages written in Mecca and those later in Medina. 
When studying the koran you will find that there are many abrogated passages. (The Meccan passages are overturned or made null and VOID) When something that was written later in Muhammad’s lifetime (the Medinan passages) disagrees with earlier Meccan passages, the LATER passages prevail as the “TRUTH” to Islam. 
Then Moslems will tell you that both passages are TRUE because they are in the koran, even though they totally contradict each other. 
As Mohammad’s followers grew, he abrogated most of his earlier Teachings. 
But the Earlier passages STILL remain in the koran, so they can Truthfully tell you something IS written in the koran, but what they will not say is, that what they have just told you is VOIDED or abrogated by something else, which tells the OPPOSITE thing! 
Moslems will use whichever passage suits their immediate political need, to “prove” a point in Islamic ‘scripture’. 
The early Meccan passages were very mild and were devoid of hate and discord and calls for violence and killings against non-Moslems. 
Then that was all abrogated by later Medina passages. 
Surah 5 - al maid ‘a - the repast is a Medinan Surah, and therefore abrogated (nasikh). 
It is the MECCAN Surahs, which are the more peaceful, and the earliest ones. The Medinan Surahs came later and are more violent and all-conquering. 
Islam uses a system of LIES and lying that THEY call KITMAN: Lying by omission and Al TAQIYYIA DECEPTION: (dissimilitude or deceit) is not only permitted but sanctioned as a means of practicing warfare. Taqiyyia Deception is the allowance in Islam for Moslems to lie to non-Moslems for the purpose of advancing Islam. 
An example would be when Moslem apologists quote only a fragment of verse 5:32 (That if anyone kills “it shall be as if he had killed all mankind”) while neglecting to mention that the rest of the verse (and the next) mandates murder in undefined cases of “corruption” and “mischief.” 
This quote above is originally from the Jewish Talmud, However, MoHamMad corrupted it, and used it as a taunt and an insult to the Jewish people of Medina, just before he had them all killed (Adult Males) or enslaved (Females and children)! 
According to Islamic historical sources, Mohammad and his companions mass-executed by beheading all adult males and enslaved the women and children of the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza of Medina in the year 627 AD.

The Muslim Game: 
The Qur’an can only be fully understood in Arabic. One cannot criticize Islam without knowing Arabic. 
The Truth: 
Even the most learned and devout Mozlem is never allowed to criticize the Un-holy koran, MoHamMad, or “allah”… if they like keeping their head in its place… 
Although Muslims often tell critics of Islam to “read the Qur’an”, they are usually unprepared for what happens when their advice is actually heeded. An honest translation is the Pickthall, Yusuf Ali, or Dawood by Penguin Books. 

Many times, other ‘translations’ are redacted, false, and sanitized, revisionist versions of Islam or “Muzlim-Lite”. They are full of Al Taqiyyia Deception / Kithman lies that they want to teach you about “Islam” to make you think, “Islam is not so bad… I rather like it!” Because they purposely avoid informing you of the horrid TRUTH about Islam! 
When reading true translations of Islam’s ‘holiest’ book it generally reinforces a negative opinion. The Muzlim’s fallacious fallback is to then claim that the Qur’an can only be properly understood in the original or “Classical” Arabic, then they also claim that Islam and the koran are “Perfectly Clear”. Either it’s “Clear” and can be interpreted into other languages, or it’s NOT CLEAR no matter what language you read it in… including “Classical” Arabic! 
What people, including Muslims, do not understand is that in following Muhammad, they are following a false “Prophet”. It was Jesus Christ who said one could know a false “Prophet” by their fruits… let’s take a look at Muhammad… he was a robber, murderer, slanderer, apostate, heretic, idolater, Barbarian Warlord, slave owner, rapist, had sex with a nine-year-old girl, and many others and even married his own son’s wife! That to any sane and rational human being is fruit rotten to the core!
Mohammad is the example of the so-called “Perfect Man” whom Moslems are to follow! 
List of translations of the koran into English: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_translations_of_the_Quran 

Chronological Order of the Qur’an   http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Chronological_Order_of_the_Qur%27an

The third caliph, Uthman, became famous, or rather infamous, for Quran burning. Distressing reports had filtered to him from battlefield generals who were fighting against the Armenians and other nations on the edge of his burgeoning Islamic empire: different versions of the Quran were overheard being recited. 
Caliph Uthman had a bold idea. He created a new edition of the Quran and demanded that all other editions be surrendered and burnt. Not everyone liked this. After all, Uthman was not one of the four people Prophet Muhammad had said Muslims could trust to issue the Quran. Ibn Mas’ud, on the other hand, was. He refused point-blank to surrender his collection of the Quran, which he claimed he got directly from Muhammad. 

Ali, the one who was the “Prophet” Mohammed’s son-in-law and the soon-to-be fourth caliph, at first refused to surrender his Quran to the flames. He finally gave in under pressure, but he was not at all pleased. 
The QURAN BURNING - Hadith Includes an Account of a Revered Muslim Caliph Burning the Quran 

Koran Burning and Islam’s “Rightly Guided” Caliph Uthman 

 Caliph Uthman The Koran Burner and the Not-So-Great-Koran-Conflagration-Kerfuffle 

Lies told about the origins of Islam
I have heard this lie many times that the Catholic Church started Islam... It would be the same kind of absurd lie if someone would claim that the ‘Jews started Nazism’, or that ‘Blacks started the KKK’, or that ‘Pre-born Babies themselves started Abortion’! 
Islam wiped out Christianity in many of the places it had existed for many hundreds of years.
The Moslems overran most of Western Asia, (including much of India – and the Hindu lands), Christian Southern Europe including Spain and Sicily, parts of France and Italy, all of North Africa to the Atlantic… everything all around the Mediterranean Sea. 
Moslem armies had conquered Syria, Persia, Palestine, Egypt, North Africa, Spain, Sicily, Southern Italy, Cyprus, Rhodes, Sardinia, Majorca, Crete, and Malta, which had been some of the most heavily Christian areas in the world. They attacked and sacked Rome and came within 100 miles of Paris before being pushed back. 
Yet, not one of the many posts that I have read on this claim, will delve any farther into anything beyond stating this most dubious “claim”! 
There is NO PROOF 
that the people of the same tribe who would eventually become MoHamMad’s Muslims, are in any way related to, or influenced by Abraham. 
I am so sorry, but we all have been lied to about ISLAM, and many have unfortunately bought into those lies as if they were the truth! It is the Dhimwits who continue to believe the lies! However, there is plenty of proof refuting those lies. 
Islam has no province for what they ‘claim’. They ‘claim’ to be the final revelation of “god’s” word. Yet the followers of this so-called ‘religion’ claim that they ‘worship’ the same ‘god’ as Christians and Jews and are an “Abrahamic religion” yet are utterly alien to Jewish and Christian modes of belief, theology, and practice! 
Any ‘successor’ religion would necessarily have to fulfill and complement the prior religion. Jesus and his Ministry were predicted many times in the Torah and Tanakh. One of the great advantages of having the Old Testament and the New Testament in one Bible is that they give support to each other. Together they strengthen our faith that both are God’s Word. 
The Old Testament verses are Prophecy and Prediction; the New Testament verses proclaim the Fulfillment of God’s Word. There are NO predictions in the Torah and Tanakh or the New Testament that refers to Islam or Mohammad! 
However, Islam does not fulfill or complement anything either Jewish or Christian… it instead is antagonistic, antithetical, contradictory, diametrically opposed, and irreconcilable in all ways! 
According to Islamic claims and beliefs, the basis of Islam is that Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed are part of the same family with the same message from “Allah”. 
Islam is, in their view, the way all three faiths are hemmed in together. 

So, IF there truly are: “3 faiths, 3 names, 1 God.” 
Explain this: 
What part of the Christian’s Holy Bible, the Jewish Torah and Tanakh, or even Civilized Law allows anyone to do all the EVIL that Islam’s Koran commands Muslims to do, and they do it with a passion? 
There are 109 verses straight from the koran, demanding ALL muslims to steal from, hate, murder, and commit terror against all people who will not submit to a Dhimmi status, or convert to Islam. 
Not one place in the Old Testament or The New Testament does it TEACH to kill all people for all times for being infidels or for others who do not believe in your own “religion”, However, the EVIL koran does! 
How could this “Allah” of pre-Mohammad pagan Arabia be the same as the God of Israel? For many hundreds of years before Mohammad, “Allah” or the ‘Moon-god’ was the Head ‘god’ of Mohammad’s pagan Quraysh Meccan Arab tribe’s pantheon of about 360 deities. 
So, can anyone tell me why, just because they ‘worship’ only one fabricated ‘god’, that this so-called ‘god’ is the SAME GOD as worshiped by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? 
Christians are horrible people when they act CONTRARY to Jesus’s teachings and example. When you commit atrocities “in the name of Christ”, you are violating Christianity. 
Muslims are horrible people when they FOLLOW Muhammad’s teachings and example. When you commit atrocities in the name of Islam, you are obeying “allah” and Islam. 
The ISIS and Hamas, and all of the rest of the Islamic Terrorist organizations are following Mohammad’s teachings and the Koran to the letter. 
They unknowingly worship the devil named Satan! 
Using Moslem words and names: 
They unknowingly worship the Shaytan named Khunzub AL-MUMÎT, The Causer of Death! 


Ramadan begins and ends at the time of the crescent moon, it is the Islamic month of skipping breakfast and lunch, gorging supper, after the sun goes down… and KILLING PEOPLE. However, calling it “Ram-A-Van” would be more fitting!

For those living under Sharia Law, anyone, yes, ANYONE, even pregnant women, getting caught eating anything during the day or even drinking a drop of water, will get you severely punished… (In the DESERT no less!) This applies to all NON-Muslims too!

Can you imagine the harm done to a developing fetus during Ramadan? Pregnant women are NOT exempt!

Many more, and more violent attacks on non-muslims occur during Ramadan than during the rest of the year. Especially after Friday Prayers, when the Iman has worked up the crowd into a “Holy frenzy”.

“Ramadan” is a daily “Fast” that lasts from sunup until sundown for an entire month to show “Empathy” for the world’s hungry (Moslem ONLY!) people. Then, after sundown, they engage in a “Thanksgiving-like gorge Fest” EVERY night for the entire month!

This report covers April 24, 2020, the first full day of the “holy month”, through May 14.

‘Battle of Ramadan’: Jihadis Kill 584, Injure 587 in Three Weeks of Holy Month

(Nice to see that Wuhan Flu lockdowns didn’t interfere with traditional Ramadan activities, especially after “Friday Evening Prayers” after the Iman's preaching has worked them up into a murderous frenzy!)

Casualties at the hands of jihadis during the first three weeks of Ramadan hit a grim milestone, exceeding 1,000 with 584 fatalities and 587 injuries, data compiled by Breitbart News shows.


The Definition of Islamophobia: 

(A.) When a non-Muslim understands more about Islam than we are “supposed” to know.

(B.) When a Muslim finally learns the awful Truth about Islam.

There are 109 verses straight from the koran, demanding ALL muslims to steal from, hate, murder, and commit terror against all people who will not submit to a Dhimmi status, or convert to Islam.

Isn’t it natural to fear something that threatens to kill you, or to enslave you, and turn your wife and daughters into sex slaves… and destroy and subvert your country?

“Islamophobia” gets all the attention, but it’s “Infidelophobia” that quietly racks up over 10,000 dead bodies each year. 

But Islamophiliacs always get a ‘pass’, while we attempt to instruct the Islamo-ignorant.

What’s worse? To be falsely labeled an Islamophobe or to be an Islamophile also known as a Dhimwit – pandering to and promoting an ideology of hate, misogyny, and violence? A non-Moslem member of a free society that abets the stated cause of Islamic domination with remarkable gullibility. A dhimwit is always quick to extend sympathy to the very enemy that would take away his or her own freedom (or life) if given the opportunity.

See also: Useful Idiots

Many of our politicians and our mainstream media propaganda machine are so exquisitely attuned to the monitoring and condemnation of “homophobia” and “Islamophobia”, find absolutely no offense whatsoever in the practitioners of “Christophobia”.

This Moslem supremacist totalitarian ideology/terrorist organization is hiding behind the mask of religion and exploiting our Constitutional religious freedom for political ends, in order to remove our Constitutional religious freedom, as well as the Constitution itself!

MoHamMad said, “I have been made victorious by terror.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, 4:52:220) Islam was spread by the sword, MoHamMad thrived on it.

Glossary of Islamic Terms


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