— If you saw one, would you know if you were in actual danger or which direction to go to escape? Many people have ‘fled’ to where the tornado is going!

Important FACTS… Tornadoes almost always travel from South-West to North-East. Know this to escape in the right direction! Or to stay put where you are! 


Proof? Do a photo web search for “Tornado Path Map” 

“Tornado Path Maps” EXAMPLES:

What they WON’T tell you about tornadoes is that the overwhelming number of tornadoes generally travel from Southwest to Northeast. However, they do tend to meander a bit along their path but still maintain a general S/W to N/E direction. If a tornado is in a general S/W direction of your location, you may very well be in its direct path. What you don’t want to do is: fool around wasting time, trying to determine if it is coming toward you or not. If you see a tornado, or it forms anywhere to your N/W, North, N/E, East or S/E, or less reliable South or West of you, you may be in no danger at all from that tornado, but be careful as other tornadoes can also develop nearbyTry to travel an escape route, preferably in a South/East or North/West direction so you have the tornado well out of your location. 

Unusual tornado track paths do occasionally occur, and they can backtrack. Very seldom does a tornado travel due East or North, but it can happen. 

I found one tornado that did the opposite of the norm and traveled from the N/W to the S/E, and then it traveled right along a road in the S/E direction. This would normally be your normal “escape” route! (But that map seems to no longer exist on the Internet) 

This is a rendering of a track map of tornadoes in Alabama showing the tornado's starting points and several different track directions. Including a reverse from the normal direction going N/E to S/W. Once again for the overwhelming number of tornadoes the normal track runs from the Southwest to the Northeast. 

They never tell you any of this, yet every time there is an Earthquake, they bore you to death, yet AGAIN, with a detailed explanation of what is the ‘Richter Scale’. 


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