How can anyone believe the earth is flat?

Show Me The Edge! 

One ignorant internet poster hazarded this ridiculous comment: 

“I’m sorry but you’re wrong this is the age of lies being uncovered. Antarctica is not what you have been taught, it is an ice-ring that surrounds the whole earth and you or anyone else can’t just up and go there. It is protected and guarded. Yeah, you can go to a place they call Antarctica but it’s just a place they made to support the lie. Go there and try to wander off on your own, you will find yourself in jail”. 

I replied: ‘The stupidity runs DEEP in this one!’ 

Your Conspiracy Theory makes no sense!

However, your logic is Two Dimensionally thin! If what you say is true, how long is the perimeter of the ‘ice ring that surrounds the whole earth’ it must be long enough to surround the entire ‘knowable’ earth and all its known seas and continents? However, the continent of Antarctica is not anywhere near that big! You can sail around the entire continent of Antarctica; the trip is not THAT long! Just about 10,176 miles around Antarctica! 

Protected and guarded by WHO? And to what purpose? How did ‘Antarctica… a place they made to support the lie’ come to exist? That would be an engineering feat to outdo all the engineering, logistics, and security that has ever taken place in the entire history of the world, COMBINED! 

Why would they even bother to jail you in such a remote place, they would have to keep you there for LIFE, because if they released you, what would stop you from blabbing all that you know? They would just kill you, or let you go, far enough away from help so you freeze to death and be done with you! What would be the purpose of any of this? How do you know any of this BS? Do you have any PROOF? 

Either put up or shut up! 

If there really was such a thing as a Flat Earth, we would know all about the edge already, this is the age of technology and communication, and we would know about such a thing if it were true, and it would be common knowledge. People would be running up against the ‘Edge’ or your elusive ‘Ice Wall’ in very unexpected places such as the Equatorial Region! 

We have had ships since forever, cameras since the 1860s, airplanes since 1915, and satellites and Spaceflight since the 1960s... It would not matter what direction you flew, or where you started from, eventually, you would have to come to the edge… Why is it that aircraft have never flown to or beyond the ‘EDGE’? We currently have people in the International Space Station, and you can see it with your own eyes, just by looking up, according to its scheduled orbital time… but no one has seen or found the ‘Edge’ because there is none to be found! 

Airplanes and ships would be constantly bumping into the ‘Edge’, or how do you explain that they “mysteriously and instantaneously get transported to the opposite ‘Edge’ and going the same direction as before…” to continue on their ‘apparent’ direction of travel, without anyone noticing anything at all peculiar?” Now if you believe that the above paragraph is totally ridiculous (Which of course it is!) but you still believe in a Flat Earth…


Prove it, or disprove it, with this simple experiment. 

Just have the Flat-Earth believer point to any STARTING PLACE on Earth that you CANNOT FLY TO their choice of ANY OTHER DESTINATION going in a straight line directly to that destination, using the SHORTEST ROUTE POSSIBLE, as based on the ‘ROUND EARTH’ model. 

EXAMPLE: Supposing that a standard paper Wall-Map of the World was the model of the ‘Flat Earth’ (with the corner of Russia on the West side, and the corner of Alaska on the East side removed) Nome, Alaska is on the left (West) side of the map and Provideniya, Russia is on the right (East) side (the full width of the map apart) but because the Earth is ROUND, they are actually around 236 miles or 380 kilometers apart, just a short flight time of around 58 minutes by air across the Bering Sea, not about 10,500 miles away from each other. 

IF the Earth were indeed flat, the only way to get there would be to fly Eastward from Nome over most of Alaska, across Canada, the Atlantic Ocean, Europe, and the greater part of Russia to get to Provideniya, as a ‘Flat Earther’ would have you believe! 

Even the Ancient Greeks knew that the Earth was round; they saw the shadow of the Earth on the Moon, during a Lunar Eclipse. They even calculated the circumference of the Earth. Most educated people in Christopher Columbus’ time knew that the Earth was round, and Columbus was one of them, he knew about Eratosthenes’s calculation of the circumference of the Earth. However, he thought the measurement called the ‘Stadia’ was equal to one step, not two steps, so by his calculation, the Earth was half as big.     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eratosthenes 

It's funny when you google Flat-Earth Maps you get wildly different map renderings, shouldn’t they all look just about the same? It should be much easier to render a Flat Earth on a flat map than to render a Global Earth on a flat map. Historian Jeffrey Burton Russell says the Flat-Earth error flourished most between 1870 and 1920 and had to do with the ideological setting created by struggles over biological evolution. Russell claims “…with extraordinarily few exceptions no educated person in the history of Western Civilization from the third century B.C. onward believed that the Earth was flat”.

It is hilarious that those Flat Earthers believe that the other planets are also flat, and the flat surface is always facing the Earth!

Did the writers of the Bible believe the Earth was flat? • ChristianAnswers.Net -- http://christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-c015.html 

However, according to Islam, because it is in the Koran, Muslims are obligated to 'believe' that the Earth is Flat.

The logical burden of proof lies with those pushing the claim that the Earth is flat. It is an absurd claim that defies all applied, observed, and reproducible reality. It is also an illogical argument from ignorance to suppose the onus of proof lies with any other to disprove a claim that has never been shown by a measurable substance in practical reality! The solution is simple. Apply logic and expose the affirmative claim about reality to thorough and critical attempts at refutation. Failure to do so is anti-intellectual, anti-scholarly and anti-scientific. Again, ALL claims about reality are required to be shown by practical examples of a measurable substance that meets the observable, testable, and repeatable nature of the scientific method. Failure to provide such examples, by offering logical fallacies and continuing to push preposterous claims, then expecting others to ‘believe’ or ‘disprove’ your ignorance rather than you scientifically verifying this for yourselves, and everyone else… is the behavior of a deceptive and zealous ‘religious’ cult. 

OK, Flat Earther’s... NOW put up, or shut up! Show us the EDGE! It would have to be a very L O N G edge! ...or shut up your STUPIDITY! 

GUESS WHAT? He never replied! 

One final word: “The only thing Flat Earthers have to fear, is ‘sphere’ itself!” 




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