The role of religion in human warfare is often overstated. Less than 7% of all wars have had religious causes, and when you exclude wars involving Islam, this number drops to less than 4%.

That is a favorite fictional claim made by atheists, and many God-fearing people have picked it up as if it were really true!
Many atheists claim that religion is the cause of most wars. However, the history of human warfare shows that less than 7% of all wars have had religious causes. 

But the unanswerable question is: How many people would have been killed if there was NO religion?
“If men are so wicked with religion, what would they be if without it?” -- Benjamin Franklin

But did you know?
Currently, there are about five Islamic terrorist attacks a day. Some big, some small.
But it adds up to a constant war being waged by Moslems against all non-Moslems everywhere in the world simultaneously.
Islam has killed more people in this decade, per year, than in the ENTIRE 350-year history of the Inquisition.
Moslems are CURRENTLY responsible for the deaths of more Moslems, each year than all the rest of the deaths of Moslems that are killed by all other peoples.

Could it be that it is the MIS-USE of religion that is at fault?

The difference is:
Christians are horrible people when they act CONTRARY to Jesus’s Teachings.
Moslems are horrible people when they FOLLOW Muhammad’s Teachings.

There have been only 12 decades in 1400 years that have been Jihad-free, that is only 9% that have been “Peaceful”!
Not including the many millions that were captured and enslaved or forcibly converted by the “Religion of Peace”, Islam has killed 60 million Christians, 10 million Buddhists, 80 million Hindus, and 120 million Africans! For a total of TWO-HUNDRED and SEVENTY MILLION non-Muslims killed by Islam. PLUS all the many Millions of Muslims that have been killed by other Muslims because they belonged to a different Sect!

Another essay on the causes of War. 

“Is Religion Really Responsible for Most Wars?” Atheism has been responsible for more deaths proportionally than religion. 


According to their own Eastern histories, Islam has an official 1,400-year history of “holy” lies, extortions, robberies, tortures, arsons, kidnappings, slaveries, rapes, and 270 million murders (that’s Over A Quarter-Billion Innocents Sacrificed To Allah, so far - it’s a larger death-tally than that of EVERYONE ELSE, both secular and religious, COMBINED, and with a historical average of less than 1% of the global population to have committed it with, too)!

Do the math: 270 million divided by 1,400 years, averages to almost 200,000 per year, or over 500 per day, or over 20 per hour, or about one person every three minutes being murdered by Muslims ever since Islam was founded.

In their “Encyclopedia of Wars”, authors Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod attempt a comprehensive listing of wars in history.

They document 1763 wars overall, of which 123 wars have been classified to involve a religious conflict, which is an astonishingly low 6.98% of all wars. However, when one subtracts out those wars waged in the name of Islam (66), the percentage is cut by more than half to 3.23%.

That means that all faiths combined – minus Islam – have caused less than 4% of all of humanity’s wars and violent conflicts. Further, they played no motivating role in the major wars that have resulted in the most loss of life.

The truth is: that non-religious motivations and naturalistic philosophies bear the blame for nearly all of humankind’s wars. Lives lost during religious conflict pales in comparison to those experienced during the regimes who wanted nothing to do with the idea of God – something showcased in R. J. Rummel’s work “Lethal Politics and Death by Government.”

William T. Cavanaugh in his ‘Myth of Religious Violence’ (2009) argues that what is termed “religious wars” is a largely “Western dichotomy”, arguing that all wars that are classed as “religious” have secular (economic or political) ramifications. Similar opinions were expressed as early as the 1760s, during the Seven Years’ War, widely recognized to be “religious” in motivation, noting that the warring factions were not necessarily split along confessional lines as much as along secular interests.

* * * * * * * * * * *
Christian versus Christian wars lasted until the end of the Thirty Years’ War, in 1648, (just 131 years total) after that, there have been no more Religion-inspired wars, except for Muslim wars against the entire world.

During the 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition, supposedly only around 3,000 to 5,000 people were killed, it was usually by the state for treasonous activities, although many were “executed” in absentia because they had fled.
During that same period, Protestants killed as many as 150,000 “witches” alone and were burned at the stake for heresy, in the rest of Europe.
Every day, the divisions caused by Leftists and the 45,000 Protestant denominations keep the Catholic and Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) Churches from stopping the killing of 3,500 babies by abortionists EVERY DAY.

Protestants were responsible for tens of thousands of “Witch Burnings.” “Who Burned the Witches?” by Sandra Miesel.

Spanish Inquisition.“34 Common Errors About the Spanish Inquisition.” The anti-Spanish Black Legend was one of the most successful propaganda campaigns in world history.

Spanish Inquisition was 99% Myth. (BBC Documentary)
“After centuries of lies and myths aimed at the Catholic Church, we now know the Spanish Inquisition never happened, no one was burned, put on the rack, or any of that. It makes you wonder, how much ‘settled history’ is actually not true.” 

Not even George Orwell could have come up with anything that tops this scenario:
Leftism is now officially a “religion” and its proponents desire a “blasphemy statute” to ban any serious discussion of left-wing doctrines and their consequences as “hate speech”.

However: WAR has NEVER solved anything ...except for ENDING Slavery, Fascism, Nazism, and Communism. (We are still working on Jihadism.)

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