Remember how Leftists always claim that Conservatives are Unscientific? 

If there is anything that is “Settled Science”, it is that there are just TWO Sexes or TWO Genders, and you do not get to “choose” which one you are! That was “settled” when you were conceived!

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” — John Adams (1770) 

“You can deny reality, but you can't deny the consequences of denying reality.” --- Ayn Rand 

Scientifically Listing All the Known Sexes or Genders* (1.) xx chromosome: Female (2.) xy chromosome: Male. It is impossible to reverse engineer those xx and xy chromosomes into something else.

            *However a “karyotype chromosome condition” is a genetic disorder, and not a different gender or a separate sex, they are EXTREMELY RARE anomalous, non-conforming chromosomal abnormalities. 

That’s all I got, you will need to SCIENTIFICALLY PROVE the existence of the remaining 112-plus assorted “genders” and their assorted made-up pronouns! Please name them all, and then you must scientifically define all the unique characteristics of each of the separate gender orientations, how they each function differently, and all the various identities while explaining how they all incorporate the same two genitalia. 

As Thomas Sowell so aptly states, “Parents have not only a right but a duty to object when their children are being used as objects for other people’s ideological crusades, especially when brainwashing replaces education in the public schools. Let the ideologues argue their ideas openly with adults in the marketplace of ideas, not take cowardly advantage of children behind their parents’ backs.” (Emphasis mine) 


Politics masquerading as medicine.      We must protect kids from doctors, teachers, and counselors who believe that their activism matters more than children’s mental and physical health. “Gender-affirming care” is one of the most devious euphemisms in the common lexicon today. It rightly should be called “gender-denying care” because that’s what is actually happening, you are being stripped of being of a gender of any kind. Women who have complete mastectomies will never be able to breastfeed children. Patients who undergo phalloplasty or vaginoplasty (the attempt to surgically create a fake ‘pe-nis’ on a female or a fake ‘va-gina’ on a male) will never have genitalia that function as the actual sexual organ does, and often have negative medical issues associated with those surgeries for many years thereafter, or often for your entire lifetime. 

We MUST inform these delusional people that there is no possible way to REALLY "Change your Gender"! There are no drugs or operations that will accomplish this, all they will do is make themselves into a spayed or neutered person and ruin their overall health. They will be on expensive "Medications" for the rest of their lives! There is a significant INCREASE in suicides AFTER the so-called "Sex-Change" is completed.

 “SYNTHETIC SEX IDENTITIES”      “The latest number of gender “identities” has supposedly reached 112. In other words, anyone can be whatever gender they choose simply by saying so, and anyone who disagrees will be labeled a homophobe, transphobe, or a bigot. The larger implications? If reality itself can simply be self-declared, then two plus two can equal five, (or any other number you so desire) — with all the attendant totalitarian permutations fully intended”. – The Patriot Post 

Someone can “identify” as any goofy thing they want, but it does not make it so! They will never have the attributes of the actual thing that they “identify” as. There was a recent gathering of 1,000 so-called “Furries” who claim to be dogs or “Canine Beings”. “Furries” are individuals who enjoy cosplaying in animal suits, or also called “therians” and are people who “identify as a creature other than human”. For example, some therians, short for “therianthrope,” might “believe that they are a cat soul reincarnated into a human body,” yet when they take off their costumes, they are just ordinary human beings. 

Little kids dress up for Halloween and ‘believe’ they are the Little Mermaid, a Princess, Harry Potter, or Superman. That belief can be so intense that occasionally a little “Superman” tries to fly off a roof! Would anyone put up a ladder for their little “Superman”? You will never have the attributes of the actual thing you “identify” as. It is all make-believe! 

Under this craziness: If someone wanted to self-identify as a Flat Rock...      One must fully support their delusions! Or otherwise, you could be called a “bigoted hateful racist against igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic persons”! 

Not all Leftists buy into this insanity, but it is primarily a movement overwhelmingly supported by people in the Leftwing, Democrats, and Liberals. You will not find many Rightwing, Republicans, or Conservatives in the mix! 

Polygender asexual interpangea demimoores:      The language of the Washington State directive is eye-popping, “a gender that is not exclusively male or female, including, but not limited to, intersex, agender, amalgagender, androgynous, bigender, demigender, female-to-male, genderfluid, genderqueer, male-to-female, neutrois, nonbinary, pangender, third sex, transgender, transsexual, Two Spirit, and unspecified.”

(Hmmm… I thought “Big Ender” and “Little Ender” is from Jonathan Swift’s novel Gulliver’s Travels. “Two-Spirit” is plain ol’ Bi-sexual). However, none of these exist! People are free to imagine anything they want—self-delusion is commonplace—but sentient adults who are honest are not obliged to ratify their beliefs. 

Newport-Mesa, CA Unified School District ordered the “Comprehensive Health Skills for High School” textbook, which claims there are 10 sexual orientations — including androsexual, polysexual, skoliosexual, demisexual, and gynesexual. 

In addition, the textbook also says there are eight gender identities — including androgynous, bigender, gender-nonconforming, gender questioning, and nonbinary. https://www.theblaze.com/news/california-school-district-10-sexual-orientations 

“When these kids grow up and discover that they can’t have sex or can’t enjoy sex or can’t find a partner to have sex with or can’t have children, they can sue the doctors who sold them these lies. Ideology crumbles in the face of lawsuits"...and reality.”  

-- PITT Post “I’ll Visit You in Prison” https://pitt.substack.com/p/ill-visit-you-in-prison 

From: The International Organization for the Family (IOF)      “For many years now, the radical left around the globe has been pushing an extreme anti-family agenda. Funded heavily by George Soros and his network of extremist groups, one of the left’s most favored causes has been advancing the LGBT agenda – something they like to refer to as “gay rights.” One of the centerpiece items of this agenda is to reject biology and any biblical basis for human sex and instead define sex based on “gender identity.” This is the basis of the entire push for transgenderism.” 

But now the radicals have gone far beyond merely advocating for the transgender agenda. Now, they are actively involved in pushing this agenda on children in the media, online, and in schools, and even are actively recruiting children to “come out” as transgender. The cabal of culprits includes the usual suspects – Internet influencers, celebrities, and LGBT groups and activists – but now has the active involvement of teachers who work assiduously to convince confused children (the teachers themselves caused the “confusion”) to adopt a “gender identity” in conflict with their biological sex. Even worse, these teachers have a strategy to do this behind the backs of parents. – IOF 

Sex Educators Are Grooming Our Kids for Annihilation      Chris Rufo leaks footage of a Philadelphia “gender identity” friendly sex ed seminar. https://patriotpost.us/videos/88491-sex-educators-are-grooming-our-kids-for-annihilation-2022-05-19 

Your tiny little ‘feelings’ are irrelevant! If you ‘think’ you are a cute little pink bunny… that will not make you have exceedingly long ears and a cotton tail! 

For those who succumb to this Transgender nonsense, you should receive the ‘Darwin Award’, as you become a dead and broken-off branch in your Family Tree, just as if you were never born. 

A MALE can never become a “girl”! Every microscopic cell in your body SCREAMS your true gender! 

Just because you dress like a “girl” have fake breasts like a “girl” and have a simulated “va-gina” because of surgery, along with a lifetime of expensive estrogen (or testosterone for creating fake men) sex hormone treatments. He will never have any of the internal female organs, nor the double x chromosomes that would necessarily have to be present in EVERY cell in his body, which would make HIM a true GIRL! 

The reverse is also true!

 · If you have a willy, you’re not a filly… if your willy has been cut-off… you’re STILL not a filly! · If you never had a willy, then you’re a filly, if a “willy” has been surgically attached… you’re STILL a filly! 

When one has no NATURAL internal and external FEMALE ‘parts’ that makes them a MALE! 

Remove or change them and you become a castrated “IT”, a simulacrum! 

When one has no NATURAL internal and external MALE ‘parts’ that makes them a FEMALE! 

Remove or change them and you become a spayed “IT”, a simulacrum! 

(The word “Simulacrum” comes from the Latin verb “simulare,” meaning “to pretend.”

When you spay or neuter an animal, that does not “Change its gender”, it removes the animal’s ability to reproduce, period! Taking drugs or having surgery cannot change your gender, either! 

Any pretend, fake, or ersatz ‘parts’ are not to be counted! As a so-called “Transgender” you will not be able to perform ANY of the natural biological reproductive processes, that a TRUE male or female can NATURALLY do, as you do not have the ‘required equipment’! All you have are non-functional things that have a pretend resemblance. 

However, several kinds of EXTREMELY RARE anomalous, non-conforming chromosomal abnormalities result in a person not having the usual xx or xy chromosome pair. These are Karyotypeschromosome conditions such as xxy Klinefelter for example. These mutations account for only 0.07% of the population or less than 14.3 out of one million people! They are the only legitimate ‘Gender Questionable or Unspecified’ people and should be supported. These people and no others are the only ones that were truly “Born that Way”! These are so extremely rare that you may never meet one in your lifetime, and if you did, you would most likely never know unless they told you. However, the current crop of pretend ‘Transgenders” outnumbers them by massive numbers, even though pretend Transgenders are also extremely rare! 

From the Patriot Post:      Non-Compos MentisBig Lie      “In celebration and recognition of Intersex Awareness Day, we affirm the United States’ commitment to promoting and protecting the human rights of Intersex persons globally. ... Intersex persons often face stigma and discrimination in accessing education, healthcare, and legal recognition, and are subjected to medically unnecessary surgeries. These harmful practices, which can cause lifelong negative physical and emotional consequences, are a medical form of so-called conversion therapy practices in that they seek to physically 'convert' Intersex children into non-intersex children.” —Department of State spokesperson Matthew Miller 

So, Miller is implying not to do any operations on people with actual medical gender anomalies, but then it is OK to do whack-job operations on perfectly normal persons with mental disorders! 



Leftists Transitioning kids have begun as young as three-years-old! 

Boston Children’s Hospital: Trans From ‘The Minute They Were Born’ 

“…has received thousands of dollars in compensation for consulting on behalf of Endo Pharmaceuticals, a company that makes a drug that is used off-label as a puberty blocker for children who are considered to be transgender.” https://finishtherace.com/eric/boston-childrens-hospital-trans-from-the-minute-they-were-born/ 

So-called “Transgender” activists deny the overwhelming scientific evidence that males and females are vastly different in virtually every aspect of their being. There is no evidence that cross-sex hormones help children long term, but these hormones do pose risks such as low bone density, disfiguring acne, high blood pressure, weight gain, abnormal glucose tolerance, breast cancer, liver disease, thrombosis, and cardiovascular disease. 

These differences are innate and immutable and go well beyond the reproductive organs that a person is born with. They include cellular, muscular, and skeletal differences, and even include brain function, the separate ways men and women perceive sight and sound, process information, respond to aggression, display emotions, and interact with children. It simply is scientifically impossible for a person of one sex to “transition” into being the opposite sex. All they can do is attempt to imitate the opposite sex using powerful drugs, some of which are given to convicted sex offenders, (i.e., Depo Provera) hormone therapies, and debilitating surgeries, including breast removal for females. 

These are irreversible, “experimental and investigational” medical sterilization and surgical “gender transition” procedures and should never include children. Without any diagnostic clarity or treatment of their co-morbidities, these individuals were ushered mindlessly by their doctors toward wrong-sex hormones and surgeries. 

These surgeries are not only 100% elective, and awfully expensive, but they create ongoing health issues that weaken the individuals and require expensive medical treatments and drug therapy for life. They will also be subject to medical complications including heart disease, diabetes, and various cancers. Then they have a much better than normal chance of committing suicide, both before and after the chemical or surgical castration. 

The Left insists there’s no difference whatsoever between boys and girls, or men and women. Connecticut is one of 18 states that allow the abomination of pitting biological boys against female competitors who are, on average, 9% shorter; whose bones are smaller and weaker both in terms of size and density; whose heads are smaller; whose elbows, shoulders, fingers, and pelvises are physically different; whose torsos are longer and whose arms and legs are shorter; and, critically, whose bodies have a significantly smaller proportion of muscle mass. But hey, that’s just the science talking. 

Since the sexual revolution of the 1960s, humans have become more and more indulgent of their sexual appetites, first by the widespread use of contraception, then abortion, sexual perversion, and now the physical mutilation of children who ‘believe’ themselves to be of a sex which they are not. If the Leftists can’t kill them in the womb by abortion, they will kill their ability to have children by making your sons into “daughters” and your daughters into “sons” ... who have been Spayed or Neutered! 

For over 5,000 years of recorded history, no one wanted to turn every boy into a fake “girl” and every girl into a fake “boy” Funny, now there are all these “girls” were born in a boy’s body, and “boys” were born in a girl’s body! 

“Trans Women” will become real “women” just as soon as they can deliver a baby... and not until! 

Otherwise, they are still a man, who has whacked off his peepee!

  Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 @TulsiGabbard      Title IX is a historic law that positively changed everything for women & girls. This video explains how, and why I introduced the Protect Women’s Sports Act - to clarify, uphold & strengthen the original intent of Title IX, ensuring a level playing field for girls & women.  

· Credit where it is due: “60 Minutes” runs an explosive segment featuring young “transgender” individuals who decided to reverse course (Daily Wire) https://www.dailywire.com/news/60-minutes-runs-explosive-segment-featuring-young-transgender-individuals-who-decided-to-reverse-course 

Man Gets Trans Surgery Only to Found Out This Major Mistake a Little Too Late…      https://gopnewsfeed.com/this-man-got-trans-surgery-and-found-out-a-major-mistake-a-little-too-late-2 

Of course, once you have gone so far along with drugs or surgery, there is no actual “Reverse” being possible, that ship has sailed! 

Biden’s insistence that “transgender women” can compete fairly against actual biological women in sports. How will natural women have “equality and inclusion” if real women are unequally competing against men? Studies from the British Journal of Sports Medicine show that “transwomen still had a 9% faster mean run speed after the 1 year of testosterone suppression that is recommended by World Athletics for inclusion in women’s events.” These biological males have a severely unfair, genetically unmatched advantage. 

SOCIAL CONTAGION      Do these ignorant wannabe transgenders ever think far enough ahead to wonder why hundreds of thousands of people were ‘Born in the wrong bodies’? Because they weren’t! Gender Dysphoria is a stupid and dangerous FAD (like the “Tide Pod Challenge” and the “Blackout Challenge”) that has been promulgated by Leftists who have designed this as a form of post-birth ‘abortion’ to prevent the next generation. When they have failed to kill you in the womb, they will then kill your ability to reproduce! All that really happens is the kids and adults become spayed or neutered, then they will find it very difficult to find any kind of Life Partner. Their rates of SUICIDE are greatly increased! It is gendercide! No longer male or female! You become a castrated eunuch, or the female equivalent of a eunuch! 

INSANITY ON DISPLAY:      “Trans lobby group ‘Stonewall’ brand’s lesbians ‘sexual racists’ for raising concerns about being pressured into having sex with transgender ‘women’ who still have male genitals”. Translation, if you are a lesbian, and you do not wish to have sex with a man dressed as a woman, then you are a “sexual racist”.

You must be born with the right “equipment” to be able to get pregnant and give birth. Leftists are now ‘claiming’ that “Men can get pregnant” if so… then what is it that makes that person a “Man”? It cannot be all those missing xy chromosomes. 


Once you have gone through surgery or drugs to “change” your gender, you have permanently removed or killed that ‘born with equipment’ no ‘birthing’ or ‘impregnating’ is possible, ever again. 

Born with the wrong equipment, no pregnancy or birthing is ever possible, no matter what drugs you take or surgeries you have... IMPOSSIBLE! 

One could say that there are now FOUR ‘Genders’: Male, Female, and the ‘genders’ of Neutered ‘Male’, and Neutered ‘Female’. 

“Divide and Conquer” Leftists have an overwhelming NEED to divide everyone into separate categories, and then play the different ‘categories’ against each other.

Wikipedia quote: CISGENDER      “Cisgender” is a term for people whose gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth. For example, someone who identifies as a woman and was assigned female at birth is a cisgender woman. The term cisgender is the opposite of the word transgender. Related terms include cissexism and cisnormativity.” It is used as a label for ‘individuals who have a match between the gender they were assigned at birth, their bodies, and their personal identity’  

“Assigned at Birth” like it was some kind of VARIABLE OPTION? 

Perhaps Leftists will start to “assign” newborns as some other species?

“Congratulations it’s an octopus!” or “Congratulations it’s a pine tree!” “No, it can’t be, we wanted an Oak! If it’s not an oak, then just kill it!” 

How terrible! Your mom’s obstetrician, your pediatrician, and your parents all got it right and you are now to be badgered, bullied, derided, tormented, and discriminated against by LGBTQ Activists for being LABELED by them, as being NORMAL, for which we must apologize to them! 

The entire idea of “gender identity” is a made-up concept that does not exist in the real world in which we live. It’s a creature of the Leftist elites who have been seeking to impose it through indoctrination, intimidation, and political correctness. In the real world, we live by a set of immutable rules that help define our physical reality – there’s a thing called gravity, the body requires food and water to survive, we must breathe to oxygenate ourselves, etc. One of those immutable rules in the real world is that each of us is born either male or female. Our sex is a biological reality that cannot be changed by identity, expression, desire, or feelings, and certainly not by drugs or surgery. 

Another immutable biological reality among humans is RACE, can you REALLY change your Race just because you ‘Think’ or pretend you are of another Race? (We all know that some Leftist Politicians do claim that all the time for Political advantages.) Following this line of abject silliness, can you change your shoe size? If you have size sixteen feet, should you be able to sue a shoe store for not properly and comfortably fitting you into a size eight? Perhaps instead, you could get your feet surgically trimmed down to a size eight? Of course, you may never be able to walk right again, but that’s OK! You have had your deepest wish fulfilled, you can now show off your new size eight feet… from your wheelchair. 

Before you react to this statement, know that the entire “Transgender” movement is just as SILLY! 

It is just a minuscule percentage of humans who really have psycho-emotional disorders that lead them to mental illness and delusion concerning their biological realities. 

Despite the utter incongruity of the concept of gender “identity”, the movement to impose it is powerful, well-connected, and influential. Many people who disagree with it are not interested in publicly talking about the issue for fear of being labeled a “hater”. So, they quietly roll their eyes, go about their business, and hope that it somehow won’t ever affect them. 

The deceptively named “Equality Act”, amends the Civil Rights Act to include “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity” (shortened to SOGI). For enabling SOGGY-brained individuals!

If you are confused about what gender or sex you are, just check in your pants, which will clue you in every time! There, you will discover your true “Gender Identity” anything else is a delusion! The definition of “delusion” is a fixed false belief. 

Not all 4-year (or more) College “Educated” persons have an Education. 

Not all Educated persons have been through a 4-year College! 

The “Equality Act” - passed the House of Representatives on May 17, 2019. This dangerous and sweeping legislation has nothing to do with “equality”, and everything to do with coercion and establishing special rights for certain individuals at the expense of the basic constitutional rights of countless other Americans. The bill outrageously declares that the belief – held throughout human history since the dawn of time and practiced by virtually every major religion – that marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman, is a “sex stereotype.” Since sex discrimination would include so-called discrimination based on sex stereotypes, the legislation purports to make acting on one’s belief in traditional marriage illegal discrimination. The bill opens intimate shared facilities, like bathrooms and locker rooms, to any individual based on perceived or FEIGNED “gender identity” rather than biological sex, which is an invasion of privacy for girls and women. The bill forces female athletes at all levels to compete against biological males with an unfair advantage, eviscerating the intended protections of Title IX meant to provide women and girls a fair playing field in athletic competitions. The bill institutes a mandate for a radical curriculum that would instruct children as young as kindergarten about things like gender dysphoria. The bill would deny medical professionals their basic conscience rights and force them to engage in procedures and treatments like abortion or sexual reassignment surgery even if they hold deep convictions opposed to such actions. 

X-rays don’t lie... Blood samples don’t lie... Tissue cells don’t lie... Even when you look at those from an anonymous patient... They will ALWAYS rat you out and scream: “Hey, I AM A MAN!” (Who is sick and mutilated himself) Or: “Hey, I AM A WOMAN!” (Who is sick and mutilated herself) Every cell in your body screams the TRUTH! 

No medical treatment can transform anyone into the opposite sex. Doctors tell us that “every cell has a sex”, and no treatment can change every cell in the human body.  

INSTITUTIONAL CHILD ABUSE      Transgender activists insist the only acceptable way to treat gender dysphoria is with puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones, which will in most cases permanently sterilize all those children, then surgery. is breast removal. But is it a good practice to turn children into life-long medical patients? We are talking about powerful drugs that have many negative side effects and surgeries that amputate healthy body parts, including breast removal. None of this is necessary: Studies show that 80 to 95 percent of so-called ‘Transgendered’ children come to accept their natural biological sex as their hormones change during puberty… IF they are allowed to go through the natural puberty process! 

ALARMING EFFECTS OF PUBERTY BLOCKERS IN KIDS      The Left Pushed This Dangerous Drug for Children, Now the FDA Issues Dire Warning About Permanent Damage      https://www.westernjournal.com/left-pushed-dangerous-drug-children-now-fda-issues-dire-warning-permanent-damage 

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning connected to the most common type of puberty blocker: the drug could cause brain swelling, loss of vision, and serious risks for children injected with the hormone. “Officials said a plausible association between using puberty blockers and pseudotumor cerebri, which displays symptoms similar to a brain tumor, was identified in six young girls between the ages of 5 and 12. 

READ: https://www.dailywire.com/news/fda-officials-warn-of-brain-swelling-vision-loss-in-minors-using-puberty-blockers 

Puberty blockers are definitively not harmless. They cause irreversible damage such as voice deepening, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, infertility, increased cancer risk, and thrombosis. 

Emmy Griffin: Florida Follows the Science on ‘Gender Affirmation’ for Children

Written by Mary R. Frank on      https://pitt.substack.com/p/brainwashed-yes-content-from-school/comments 

The key is in your son’s statement: “I think ideally, and I am not blaming you for not doing this earlier, maybe what a parent would want to do, in a careful way, would be to give them more doubts to think about.” The more parents affirm trans, the less room there is for the other side to be represented, just at a time in their development when kids need that other perspective to ground them. 

Dealing with kids respectfully doesn’t mean having to affirm all their choices. Brainwashing is going on at multiple levels of society; parents, too, are constantly gaslighted and made to feel that trans is the “new normal” and that being anti-affirmation is transphobic. Affirming trans means no one is there to give voice to the doubts. Peers and parents are kids’ main reference points, with social media assuming an increasingly influential role. When all sides are affirming, the kids have no place to retreat to after going down the trans rabbit hole. Parents need to be the ladder out of that hole, offering love, compassion, warmth, and a connection to the child’s history, while respecting their individuality and the struggles teens go through in the process of maturing. Parents are the ones who must hold firm with the reality that people can’t change sex, that gender roles are oppressive to all of us, and that we can be beautiful and happy in the sexes we were born into. 

We all need to speak up as much as possible, difficult as that may be. I’m an activist liberal who has recently started talking more about being a lifelong gender-critical feminist. It is hard to be the lone voice, but it is absolutely essential that we push ourselves to do so. By speaking out, we find that we are not alone and that not everyone buys into the trans agenda.

TRANSGENDER DELUSIONS DEBUNKED BY DR. CRETELLA      https://tfpstudentaction.org/media/videos/transgender-delusions-debunked-by-dr-cretella 

In no other area of life are parents expected to simply accede to a child’s weird version of “reality”. If a child believes that they are Superman, are you going to put up the ladder so they can climb up on the roof so they can jump off? There is no other medical condition that a child can self-diagnose, that has no objective test, and where parents are pushed into blindly allowing life-altering medications and surgeries. In what other scenario would comorbidities (like anorexia, depression, anxiety, autism, cutting, body image issues, bullying, past trauma, difficult puberty, and more) be not only ignored but promised to be cured by the journey to transition?      https://thefederalist.com/2019/05/31/equality-act-devastate-parents-ability-get-trans-children-help 

“When our [gender-confused] children tell us who they are, it is our job as grown-ups to listen and to believe them. That’s what it means to be a good parent.”      —Minnesota Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan 

“No, it is not our job as grownups to simply believe whatever our children say. In fact, our job very often is to do exactly the opposite.” —Matt Walsh 

BTW: What part of “Gender-CONFUSED” does she not understand? 

Many children change their minds later, but if a “loving” parent or official has had them physically or chemically “castrated”, it’s much too late! Enabling stupidity and delusions is stupid, delusional… and cruel! 

However, many times it is the children themselves, along with the schools, teachers, psychologists, and medical personnel, who are the ones ganging up on the parents to succumb to this insanity! The children are coached into what to say and how to act towards the parent to browbeat the parent into submission. Then parents are then encouraged to show them full support, but never any condemnation, even if the parent is dying inside because their child now claims to be transgender. Leftists have made it a Criminal Offence to counsel the person on their transgender mental delusions! 

Mentally sick parents or other “authorities” who have control of the child, push the child into ‘presenting’ as the opposite gender and pushing children to question their sexuality and receive overt ‘medical care’ just to prove the parents’ or authorities’ own point is a most damaging form of Child Abuse. 

“Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy”      https://www.healthline.com/health/munchausen-syndrome-by-proxy      The Munchausen Syndrome (MS) is a mental disorder that causes a person with a deep-seated need for attention to fake sickness or injury. Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSP) is a disorder in which the caretaker of a child either makes up fake symptoms or the parent causes real symptoms to make it appear as though the child is injured or ill. The term “by proxy” means “through a substitute”. Though MSP is primarily a mental illness, it’s also considered a form of severe Child Abuse. 

BTW: There is no such thing as Transsexual, or ‘gender dysphoric’, it is only people with mental problems! 

Sex or gender is definitely NOT “Assigned at Birth”! Your mother’s gynecologist was not stupid and made an error, nor were your parents and your pediatrician imbeciles! 

You are the sex that God “assigned” to you at your conception, your DNA was set for LIFE the moment you were conceived! Then your body was formed and developed accordingly. 

There are at least 6,500 Genetic differences between Males and Females and every cell in the body proclaims the difference! Surgery, hormones, drugs, or ‘feelings’ cannot and will not change those scientific FACTS! 

“A young child does not understand the difference between reality and fantasy. If you inform a 4-year-old that Spider-Man isn’t real, he literally will not know what you mean. So, if your young boy says he’s really a girl, the statement has no objective meaning whatsoever”.  —Matt Walsh 

Cardinal Raymond Burke has stated: “Gender theory is an invention, an artificial creation. It is impossible to have an identity that does not respect the proper nature of man and that of women. It is madness that will cause immense damage in society and in the lives of those who support this theory”. 

Those who think that other people should go along with this insanity are the ones who are insane! 

BODY IDENTITY INTEGRITY DISORDER is a medical diagnosis.      (BIID) is a medical condition in which the patient feels compelled to amputate one or more healthy limbs or has the delusion that they are already missing a limb and believe they are thusly “handicapped”. Patients may also be drawn to disabilities such as blindness or paraplegia. In-depth research on Body Integrity Identity Disorder began in the late 1990s when psychologists recognized it as a condition much like Gender Identity Disorder

When you come right down to it, the so-called “Sex Reassignment Surgery” is nothing but Cosmetic Surgery! Just self-neutered people, who become neither male nor female… or anything else! They are a self-castrated eunuch through drugs and surgery! 

No matter how or what you try: surgical sex organ mutilation, drugs, changing your name, hairstyle, and clothing, or whatever, you just can’t reverse engineer those xx and xy chromosomes into something else. The internal organs are not replaced, they are removed or altered into some ersatz NON-FUNCTIONING components! Only an approximated APPEARANCE of the outer organs has changed, and certainly nothing internal has been replaced! 

What the “Transgendered” expect after getting a “sex change” is not what they will receive. 

They have been administered very toxic concoctions that are foisted on the gullible as OFF LABLE, extensively butchered, then must take weird and expensive “medicine” for life. They have very few options and little to look forward to as having any kind of Life Partner or even short-term hook-ups, few so-called Cis-gendered or Homosexual people will want you. You will live as a shunned person by most other people. 

You are now gender-nullified, neither male nor female. Your ‘sexual experience’ in your newly chosen preferred “gender” will be far distant from the pleasures of what is considered ‘normal and natural’, or even Homosexual! You will later consider suicide as your only relief, and many more “Transgendered” do carry it out, than the average of the population. God Himself gave those chromosomes to you, at the moment of your conception, that can never be changed. 

In a sexual species, there are only two sexes, MALE and FEMALE. 99.93% of all humans have either the XX or XY sex chromosomes, and the remaining 0.07% are mutations or less than 14.3 out of one million people! Or just one in 69,930 people! 

A ‘mutation’ is not a separate gender or sex. Given that there are a bit less than 329 million Americans in the USA means that there are just 4,700 people with varying degrees of gender mutations, which would average to only about 94 people per State! All these mutations would be of many different varieties and degrees, but this does not mean that any would want to be “Transgendered”. 

Being one sex and thinking you’re the other is a psychological disorder. Mandating a widespread enabling of a psychological disorder is sociopathic. 

Leftists think that injecting cattle with growth hormones is evil, but injecting kids with hormones to supposedly “change their gender” is simply fine! Thus, proving once again, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that Leftism is a Mental Disease! https://www.facebook.com/TheDailySignalNews/videos/967580886741197/ 

Ben Shapiro, said of transgender people: “Biology is biology; men can’t magically become women and women can’t magically become men”. 

All that is accomplished is to change the outer appearance; nothing internal is changed, except for what is removed. There are no new working ‘parts’ added or replaced! 

An individual can no more change his sex than change his species. In truth, there are no “transgendered”. A man can dress and talk like a woman. He can get the mainstream media to coo over his choice (which supposedly allows him to escape the inescapable bonds of biology) and the cultural left to bestow coveted victim status on him. Activists can intimidate school districts into allowing him access to the restrooms and showers of the opposite sex. He can even have himself surgically altered to ‘resemble’ a woman. But he can’t change his genetic makeup. The XY chromosomes, which make him male, will remain. All he has accomplished is getting himself surgically castrated. The exact same goes for women who think they are men. 

Studies prove that the belief in “innate gender identity” the idea that “feminized” or “masculinized” brains can be trapped in the wrong body from before birth is a myth that has no basis in science. If it were true that your brain could be “trapped in the wrong body”, then the many Identical Twin Studies, would have shown that BOTH Twins were “Transgendered”, not just ONE! http://click.heritage.org/qLTM0s0zeK0r7Y03H0zb005 

WHAT IS DYSPHORIA?      Dysphoria is a state of generalized unhappiness, restlessness, dissatisfaction, or frustration, and it can be a symptom of several mental health conditions

Dysphoria is a psychological state that is often caused by or accompanies a mental health condition. Stress, grief, relationship difficulties, and other environmental problems can also cause dysphoria. 

Most often, dysphoria is a mood, which means someone can have fleeting moments of dysphoria. People can also experience long-term dysphoric states, and long-term dysphoria is often strongly associated with mental health conditions that affect mood, such as major depression, mania, and cyclothymia. 

Nutritional deficits and health conditions can also cause dysphoria. For example, people with hypoglycemia sometimes report feelings of dysphoria, and the stress of a chronic illness can cause feelings of unhappiness and frustration, which can be considered dysphoria.      https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/psychpedia/dysphoria 

‘GENDER REASSIGNMENT’ IS DANGEROUS      It’s fraught with complications that ultimately make the “cure” worse than the affliction. “…countries that have been studying the effects of hormone treatment — such as Sweden, Denmark, and France — have now outlawed its use. Sweden’s health agency in particular remarked that even these early interventions with hormone therapy are “potentially fraught with extensive and irreversible adverse consequences such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, infertility, increased cancer risk, and thrombosis.” This is just from the use of hormones. When you add to that so-called gender-affirming surgery, it’s a recipe for disaster.      https://patriotpost.us/articles/87177-gender-reassignment-is-dangerous-2022-03-25 

DETRANS AWARENESS DAY prompts young people to share frightful gender de-transition stories. 

Though it received absolutely zero attention from the zealously pro-trans establishment media, March 12th, marks Detrans Awareness Day, a holiday of sorts for those who’ve suffered tangible harm because of radical trans ideology. 

The purpose of the ‘holiday’ is to provide those who’ve detransitioned from being transgender an opportunity to share their experiences. Their stories matter both because they matter as people and because their stories serve as a necessary counterweight to the propaganda pushed by pro-trans activists, including those in the press. 

The fact is that detransioners are far more common than activists, including those in the media, care to admit. The establishment media in particular are so invested in trans ideology that in 2019, NBC News ran a report encouraging the media to mostly avoid covering the detransitioning “narrative” because it makes detransitioning “seem more common than it is.” 

Yet the spate of stories that flooded Twitter on #DetransAwarenessDay suggests detransitioning is indeed “more common” than they’d have one believe. 

One story came from a woman on Twitter, named Helena, who described how her school had “encouraged” her to get “sucked into gender ideology.” This led to her eventually being “prescribed a very high dose of testosterone at 18.” The treatment wound up being “very damaging.” She eventually detransitioned back into a woman, though it was no easy ordeal.      https://www.bizpacreview.com/2022/03/13/detrans-awareness-day-prompts-young-people-to-share-frightful-gender-de-transition-stories-1212096 

There are over 36,000 people on this detransition site.      https://www.reddit.com/r/detrans/      (Reddit stopped keeping stats on the number of members for some reason (I don't think it is just for Detrans, perhaps it's all Reddit groups). They stopped a couple of months ago and at the time there were 51,000 members.

PARENTS WITH INCONVENIENT TRUTHS ABOUT TRANS (PITT)      Personal Stories and Essays by Parents Impacted by Transgender Ideology - FREE TO SUBSCRIBE · Over 9,000 subscribers https://pitt.substack.com/ 

“We publish stories written and edited exclusively by parents with first-hand experience in the upside-down world of gender ideology.

PITT is a space for parents who have been impacted by gender ideology to share their uncensored stories, experiences, and thoughts while remaining anonymous to protect themselves and their families. Our objective is to inform the public about the devastating impact of gender ideology on our families through our personal experiences. 

We believe that, when people understand the true picture, they will join us in ending the medicalization of identity for children, teens, and young people. 

Are you a parent of a trans-identified teen or young person and want a chance to tell your story? 

Please send us an email at pitt@genspect.org — we’d love to hear from you! 

Your stories should be told, and we can help you do that. Please note that our essays are always anonymous (but written and edited by parents). Any names you see on bylines are pseudonyms. This is a global issue and our parent authors hail from around the world, including (so far) the United States, the UK, Australia, Ireland, Canada, Spain, South Africa, France, Italy, Poland, New Zealand, and Latin America…” https://pitt.substack.com/about

An excellent article from one of the Parent-Subscribers      The Gig’s Up      The Emperor Has No Clothes      https://pitt.substack.com/p/the-gigs-up 

Other articles of interest: https://pitt.substack.com/archive 

Why Girls Become Boys      https://www.prageru.com/video/why-girls-become-boys 

  • Pediatricians privately slam American Academy of Pediatrics for pushing puberty blockers to teens (Daily Wire) 

“100% of males put on the affirmative care/Dutch protocol lose all sexual sensation and function. They are stripped of the ability to ever have sexual intimacy…” https://www.dailywire.com/news/revealed-pediatricians-privately-slam-american-academy-of-pediatrics-for-pushing-puberty-blockers-to-teens 

THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS TRANSGENDERS      https://punchingbagpost.com/there-no-such-thing-as-transgenders/ 

“LIFESAVING”?      “Medical Safety: Risk Study of Gender Medicine, Part 1”      How many Gender Medicine doctors knew or should have known that they were experimenting outside of experimental safeguards and with no intention of collecting results or modifying their hypotheses?”      https://4w.pub/medical-safety-risk-study-of-gender-medicine-part-1/ 

THE LEFT’S TRANS “SUICIDE PREVENTION” LIE:      They say: “Would you rather have a live son or a dead daughter?” This is part of the scam and a ploy that is told by the “Professional” pushers of Transgenderism to get the parents to agree to the doubtful procedures. 

A massive study finds “transgender” people have a significantly higher suicide rate, AFTER Transitioning, refuting what the trans activists have long claimed.      https://patriotpost.us/articles/98469-the-lefts-trans-suicide-lie-2023-06-30

Sterilization that leads to Suicide is now called “Health Care”      Funny how this “Life Saving” and “Gender Affirming” becomes Life-Altering and ends up in so many suicides... even after all the drugs, medications, and surgeries have been done ...and paid for! 

Physical and psychological well-being should be a grave concern, given that 42 percent of transgender people will attempt suicide at some point in their lives. People who have had “sex reassignment surgery” are approximately 20 times more likely than the general population to die by suicide, and have a much better than normal chance of committing suicide, both before and after the chemical or surgical castration.      http://dailysignal.com/2017/10/30/ugly-truth-sex-reassignment-transgender-lobby-doesnt-want-know 

The damage being done by the Left’s war on gender is having a devastating effect on “transgender” individuals. A recent study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics found alarmingly high rates of attempted suicide among teens suffering from the so-called “gender dysphoria”.   

Submitting to “Gender Ideology” does not provide any solutions for mental health, it creates even more problems. Study after study shows that depression and suicide are HIGHER after transition than before. Gender ideology is a term that refers to the belief that one’s gender identity is more important than one’s biological sex and that one can change or affirm one’s gender through medical interventions. However, this ideology fails to provide any solutions for mental health problems that may arise from gender dysphoria or social stigma. On the contrary, it creates even more problems by denying the reality of one’s body and promoting harmful practices such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries. Study after study shows that depression and suicide rates are higher after transition than before, indicating that gender-affirming care does not improve well-being or prevent self-harm. This is one reason why other countries in Europe and the Netherlands are backing away from “affirmation-only care” and adopting more cautious and evidence-based approaches. Too bad the US is full steam ahead in the wrong direction, ignoring the risks and harms of gender ideology and imposing it on vulnerable children and adolescents. The most comprehensive study ever conducted on suicide by those attempting to transform their gender was a 30-year Swedish study that concluded those doing so were 20 times more likely to commit suicide and 2.8 times more likely to be hospitalized for a psychiatric illness.  

WORLD EXPERIENCE OF TRANS PEOPLE.      Transgender surgery has been going on since the 1920s. 

“Dora” Richter was the first known person to undergo complete male-to-female 'gender reassignment' surgery in Berlin's Institute for Sexual Research in the 1920s and early 1930s. 

The first sex-change operation in a transsexual patient, i.e. the construction of a “pe-nis” (so-called phalloplasty), took place in the Netherlands in Arnhem in 1959-1960. 

“Christine” Jorgensen was the first person to become widely known in the United States for having sex reassignment surgery, in 1952. She enthusiastically referred to herself as a “guinea pig.” After securing psychiatric and legal approval, Jorgensen prepared for surgery in September 1951, the first of three to complete the process. 

Fully half of all adolescents who are born female but instead, “self-identify” as male will attempt suicide. The rate of attempted suicide among those born male but “self-identifying” as female was 30%. Over 40% of adolescents who “identify” as gender nonconforming that is neither male nor female attempted suicide. 

Leftists have passed Laws to legally prevent people from getting the help they most desperately NEED, even if they themselves desperately WANT it! They ban the ability of individuals to receive counseling or therapy to avoid unwanted feelings of same-sex attraction. Anyone rendering assistance violates that Law. Leftists could not care less about the 42% suicide rate! 

TRANSGENDER MAN APPLIES FOR VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA IN CANADA, CAN’T STAND THE PAIN ANY LONGER      https://roccistuccishow.com/transgender-man-applies-for-voluntary-euthanasia-in-canada-cant-stand-the-pain-any-longer/ 

It should be noted that Sweden is one of the most “trans-friendly” cultures in the world, and has been for a very long time, making these numbers even more alarming. 

“There are other studies, all ignored by the ‘gender changing’ advocates. Studies from Sweden, Denmark, and also a 2013 study showing 90% of transgenders have mental disorders consisting of depression and anxiety–known causes of suicide. These studies provide irrefutable evidence that transgenders overwhelmingly suffer from untreated mental disorders. 

Gender surgery is not the required treatment for depression and anxiety or other transgender mental disorders.” “The Swedish study concludes: ‘Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behavior.’” 

“The Dutch study results state in 270 (75%) of these 359 patients, cross-gender identification was interpreted as an epiphenomenon of other psychiatric illnesses, notably personality, mood, dissociative, and psychotic disorders. Major mood disorders, dissociative disorders, and psychotic disorders reported in 79% of transgenders.” This should be alarming. 

“The 2013 study results suggest there is a need for practitioners to focus on interventions in helping transgenders with coping skills (adaption in the world) to improve mental health for transgender individuals. 

“But if the professionals who treat transgenders remain unwilling to ‘come out’ about the mental disorders nothing will change in their diagnosis or treatment. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. They’ve got the insanity going on.” 

Lost in all this outrage-generating, ‘politically correct’ insanity is that actual people are suffering from our collective trip down the gender-identity rabbit hole. Sex/gender is not “assigned” at birth; it is determined by the DNA of the newly created life at conception. And if every cell in a person’s body carries the XY chromosome, then that person is male, or the XX chromosome always equals female, and indulging the fiction that a male can become a female or vice versa, is exceedingly cruel and harmful. 

Transgenders (those suffering from the so-called ‘gender dysphoria’) have a suicide-attempt rate of more than 40% over their lifetimes (even post-surgery), as compared to less than 5% for the general population. Treating their disorder as being ‘normal’, and even worthy of celebration, is making the problem worse. Those suffering from ‘gender dysphoria’ should be treated kindly and aided in getting the mental health treatment they need so that their minds are not constantly at war with their bodies. To do otherwise — is to value an ideology more than life. 


QUOTE: “I have yet to meet a family, where one or both parents hasn’t had a complete mental collapse following their child’s announcement. Many have contemplated suicide, some seriously. Many parents, moms especially, have had to seek out mental health therapy and anti-depression or anti-anxiety drugs to cope with daily life, in a world where there is a physical threat to their child AND all of society, seemingly, is aligned against them. I am one of those parents who needed to Xanax myself into oblivion for a period of weeks just to cope with daily life. Strife between parents is also common, breaking down marriages and sibling relationships. 

Why are the parents losing it? Because in this movement, our confused kids, having been indoctrinated in the false belief that they can literally become the other sex and magically fix all their problems, will seek out and easily obtain drugs that will chemically castrate them, break down their bones, and degrade their brain function. They can do this without any gatekeeping, without our permission, and without any real mental health screening or therapy.”

According to Leftist “thought” the so-called “Transgenders” and those of the other 112 different and assorted “sexes” can “change their gender of choice” daily, they need to wear a T-shirt identifying exactly which “gender” they are self-identifying as, today, and by what they are supposed to be “properly” referred to! Otherwise, they just need to just go away, and leave normal people alone! 

It’s time to put a stop to this Leftist social engineering. Lives are at stake, and our society is paying an immense price. It’s one thing if these Leftists want to live in a fantasy world of their own, but we must draw the line when they force everyone else to submit to their delusions. 

Some “Transgenders” eventually regret their poor choices and now want doctors to “put-it-all-back-as-it-was” because they are unhappy with their new life and their decision to become a transgendered person.

     Well, DUH! 

What do they expect from what is essentially Cosmetic Surgery? 

They have only changed the outward appearance of their bodies! 

They have had healthy working body parts removed or completely reconfigured into non-working ersatz imitation versions of the opposite gender. Now they want to put-it-all-back!

Sorry, that train has left the station, never to return! 

However, their Chromosomes and DNA will remain EXACTLY the same as it was at conception, which is something that cannot be altered! 

There are very few normal heterosexual people who would ever consider dating, let alone marrying such a FAKE “man” or FAKE “woman”. Though, perhaps, two such altered versions of people might want to… Either way, performing any kind of sexual act will be a far cry from the experience of natural heterosexual or even homosexual sex. That is irrevocably GONE! 

Then they want a doctor to put it all back as it was… Impossible! 

Those WORKING body parts are irrevocably gone! 

Can a tree surgeon put back the tree limbs that he has just cut-off if you change your mind? 

Doctors can now grow an outer ear from your own cells, and attach it to your body, but if you were deaf in that ear before the surgery, you will still be just as deaf as you were before! 

The doctors may be able to once again do another whack-job making the person into an ersatz “man” from the ersatz “woman” that the FAKE “female” was! Or an ersatz “woman” from the ersatz “man” that the FAKE “male” was! Either way, they are only FAKE non-functional sexual versions of real people! 

pResident Obozo wanted these weirdos in the USA Military so they could get FREE “sex change operations” (at around $50,000 each) plus the expensive psychological and pharmacological upkeep for LIFE, all on the TAXPAYER’s money! Now pResident Slo-Joe has taken up that evil mantra. Meanwhile, due to the extended recovery time required for these medical procedures, the Military ‘Trans” people are “Out of Service” as far as being able to perform their normal military duties. 

Imbeciles and Leftists (yes, I repeat myself) should not be capable of reproduction, but with all this homosexualism, transgenderism, and abortion... they are doing a bang-up job of it themselves! 

“If you don’t think it’s Child Abuse to chemically castrate a sweet innocent child... by forcing him to take puberty-blocking medication that is given to CONVICTED SEX OFFENDERS, then I don’t know a more diplomatic way to say this... you are a monster.” —Liz Wheeler

Some of those drug treatments are medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA – Depo Provera), leuprolide acetate, cyproterone acetate, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog. They are used OFF-LABLE and are extremely damaging! 

Authors of the largest Gender ‘Transition’ Study, were forced to Admit the Uncomfortable Truth 

A 2019 study that painted a rosy picture of the mental health benefits for individuals who undergo “gender reassignment” surgery was wrong, its authors have said in a published correction. 

The correction, published by the American Journal of Psychiatry, concluded that after reviewing how the original study’s numbers were crunched, “the conclusion that the longitudinal association between ‘gender-affirming’ surgery and lower use of mental health treatment lends support to the decision to provide ‘gender-affirming’ surgeries to transgender individuals who seek them’ is too strong.” 

In an Op-Ed published by the Heritage Foundation, Ryan T. Anderson wrote that the study’s authors now admit that “the results demonstrated no advantage of surgery in relation to subsequent mood or anxiety disorder-related health care.”      https://www.westernjournal.com/authors-largest-gender-transition-study-forced-admit-uncomfortable-truth/

From the Patriot Post      https://patriotpost.us/articles/91173-men-can-get-pregnant-say-1-in-4-dems-2022-09-09RAINBOW MAFIA / THOMAS GALLATIN / SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 

In Brief: ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ Debunked      The data does not clearly support hormonal and surgical interventions meant to “transition” children. Instead, they point to many possible harms. 

“Long-term data do not show that hormonal and surgical transitions result in lasting mental health improvements in transgender-identified individuals, and some evidence even suggests the possibility of treatment-associated harms.” https://patriotpost.us/articles/97195-in-brief-gender-affirming-care-debunked-2023-05-11 

‘Men Can Get Pregnant,’ Say 1 in 4 Dems      The Party of Science™ is collectively rejecting science at an alarming rate. 

Are Democrats collectively becoming more insane? Given the results of a recent survey, the answer appears to be in the affirmative. 

In the survey conducted by WPA Intelligence in late August, Democrats were asked if they agreed with the statement “Some men can get pregnant.” Astoundingly, almost a quarter (22%) of Democrats agreed with the statement. And when homing in on the Democrats’ largest demographic constituency — white, college-educated women — that percentage jumps to 36%. 

Meanwhile, the vast majority of Americans still hold to the basic reality of the binary nature of sexuality that only women, the females of the human species, can get pregnant. It’s telling that the more educated these Democrats are, the more willing they are to embrace the illogical absurdity of the transgender agenda. Even more absurd is that Democrat women, who happen to be the biggest proponents of modern feminism, are those most willing to embrace an ideology that ironically does more to undercut their claims of an oppressive patriarchy than anything their invented conservative bogeymen could contrive. 

It’s yet another example of how The Party of Science™ is more beholden to a political agenda than to scientific reality. 

Of course, it’s not that these Democrats really believe that men can become pregnant; it’s that they have accepted the false assertion that gender is purely a societal construct that exists as an identifier completely separated from biological sex. As CNN recently explained in defense of its embrace of the transgender agenda: 

Some trans men and nonbinary people can also get pregnant, as can cis girls and trans boys. This is also true in the opposite: Not all women are able to get pregnant. Some cis women struggle with fertility, while trans women lack uteruses. Opting for gender-neutral terms such as “people” or “patients” allows for these nuances in a way that just saying “women” does not.

This also explains why the newest U.S. Supreme Court justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, during her Senate confirmation hearings refused to answer a genuinely simple question: “What is a woman?” Jackson attempted to play off being unable to answer the question with the quip, “I’m not a biologist.” Ironically, Jackson (likely unintentionally) undercut the erroneous claim upon which the entire “transgender” ideology is built — that one’s biological sex does not determine one’s gender identity. If it takes a biologist to determine what a woman is, then gender must have something to do with a person’s biological sex. 

The deeper issue behind the “transgender” crusade is not really about gender identity or biological sex at all. Rather, it’s a battle over who gets to define reality and truth to broader society. Increasingly for Democrats, it’s a class of educated “experts” that knows better than the rest of us and therefore should be ruling over the American public without accountability. · 


Women identifying as Democrats were more likely to agree that men can become pregnant, including 36% of white, college-educated female Democrats. 

To Conservatives: We must cease using Leftist terminology, when we do, we are buying into Leftist thought. A so-called “Transgendered Male” is NOT a “Male” and never will be! It is now just an ‘IT’, who was born female and just pretends to be ‘male’! 

Re-imaging God’s Image      By: Lisa Van Houten      “First, do no harm.” This has long been a part of the Hippocratic Oath of the medical profession. Yet countless doctors are knowingly betraying that pledge in the “treatment” of gender-confused youth. 

An entire generation of children is being indoctrinated in transgender ideology and many are being encouraged into pursuing a transgender identity – often by the adults in their lives who should be protecting them, not fostering a delusion. For years the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has pushed cross-sex hormones and sterilization surgery for minors struggling with their identity as they navigate puberty. In a 2018 policy statement, the AAP labeled “watchful waiting” (the practice of holding off gender treatments to see if adolescents outgrow their confusion as most do) as a harmful form of “conversion therapy.” What begins with “preferred pronouns” leads to puberty-blocking drugs, and, as the AAP calls it – “gender-affirming care.” But there is nothing affirming or caring about it. “Gender-affirming care” is just a euphemism for the permanent mutilation of kids’ bodies through drugs and surgery. The medical profession doesn’t use terms like “castrate” and “sterilization” despite the fact that that is the end result of their so-called “gender-affirming care.”      Read more at:      https://americandecency.org/2022/re-imaging-gods-image/ 


 Leftists want to turn every boy into a castrated ‘girl’, and every girl into a spayed ‘boy’, with all the expensive irreversible surgeries and a lifetime of expensive accompanying drugs. Then in the next generation... oops, there won’t be any “next generation”!

If the Leftists cannot kill children in the womb by abortion, then they will kill any possibility of the children’s future parenthood!

“Climate Change”, “Gay Rights”, “Transgenderism”, “Gun Control”, Big Vaccine, Single-Payer Health Care, Abortion, and the Leftist pro-Islam stance are all manifestations of implementing the NEW WORLD ORDER, ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, and AGENDA 21. They want the world population reduced by 80% to what they believe is a “sustainable” Five Hundred Million, thus killing off 7.1 billion people! It is all part of Population Control that the New World Order wants to achieve. Yet, you could fit the entire population of everyone on Earth into the state of Texas and still have over 1000 square feet per person, or you could fit them all into individual squares of over 31 feet on each side! 

Ever notice how Climate Change, Gun Control, Abortion, Gay Rights, Transgenderism, the latest emanation of “Obama Care” and protecting the Vaccine Industry are some of the Leftist’s favorite ‘causes’? They are designed to reduce or partially eliminate the next generation! Gun Control is designed to eliminate any effective opposition when the NWO take-over is attempted. 

From gay marriage to so-called “Global Warming” to mass migration into Western nations by people who intend to destroy every aspect of who and what we are as a people, our history, our culture, and our nation of laws. And mostly, of course, destroy our individual rights. 

Gays, as a rule, do not have children, Transsexuals CAN’T have children after they have become sterilized. Whimpey Snowflakes have Whimpey children. Idiots and Leftists (yes, I repeat myself) should not be capable of reproduction! 

However, with all this homosexualism, transgenderism, and abortion... they are doing a bang-up job of it themselves! 

I will leave you to ponder this quote from Microsoft’s Bill Gates who OWNS along with Fauci several Vaccine Manufacturing companies and has their greedy fingers into Pfizer and Moderna. Gates has always preached, that he wants “Population Control”. And is a known proponent of the New World Order… The NWO wants to REDUCE the world’s population to around 500 million, thus killing off or eliminating 7.1 BILLION people! 

May I suggest... Him First!

QUOTE:      “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on NEW VACCINES, HEALTH CARE, REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES (Abortion), we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” – Bill Gates

(emphasis added above) (...that I (Bill Gates) and George Soros have highly invested in and will make Trillions of dollars!) (Hmm… I thought that vaccines were supposed to help people stay healthy, not kill them!) 

SEE Bill Gates say this quote in a TED TALK: Search for: Bill Gates TED TALK Vaccine, on YouTube 

Exclusive: Prominent trans surgeon admits in unearthed video that complications of genital surgery ‘can be pretty bad’      https://www.bizpacreview.com/2024/02/15/exclusive-prominent-trans-surgeon-admits-in-unearthed-video-that-complications-of-genital-surgery-can-be-pretty-bad-1437336/ 

A Scary Look Inside Bill Gates Dark Agenda      https://trendingrightwing.com/a-scary-look-inside-bill-gates-dark-agenda 

Doctor Destroys Transgenderism with Simple Science      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFtK1qsh1nc 

The Transgender Threat      https://edify.us/video/the-transgender-threat/ 

“There’s no such thing as a civil right to a mental illness.”      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFtK1qsh1nc 

Transgender Interventions Harm Children      https://acpeds.org/transgender-interventions-harm-children 

Gender Confusion and Transgender Identity   https://acpeds.org/topics/sexuality-issues-of-youth/gender-confusion-and-transgender-identity 

Deconstructing Transgender Pediatrics      https://acpeds.org/topics/sexuality-issues-of-youth/gender-confusion-and-transgender-identity/deconstructing-transgender-pediatrics 

Honest Science on Transgenderism Revoked A study about gender dysphoria being a social contagion was retracted due to social contagion.      https://patriotpost.us/articles/97631-honest-science-on-transgenderism-revoked-2023-05-30 

War on the Next Generation      https://steadfastnation.com/war-on-the-next-generation 


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