REPARATIONS: The Proverbial ‘Carrot on a Stick’ to keep Black people on the ‘Plantation’!

Beginning for over one hundred Centuries before the African slave trade to the New World began, and during that entire period, people owning Slaves had been a normal, and a legal part of life throughout the entire world.

One of the earliest known written records, slavery is treated as an established institution over 37 centuries ago, in The Code of Hammurabi (c. 1760 BC)

Leftists are deliberately pretending that only European White people engaged in “slavery”, a practice as old as humanity itself. They are ignoring the fact that practically every White and non-White (including all of Africa) nation on the planet has engaged in slavery or has been slaves at some point during history, and some still do today.

This is yet another left-wing attempt to falsify history to instill a malicious “White guilt” in ordinary citizens, completely ignoring slavery throughout history, such as the Arab slave trade, where they raided Europe and Africa for slaves, and Harem Girls (sex slaves). 

Slavery is STILL happening in Muslim Countries, Africa, and China along with their many other evil institutions! However, you will never hear any Leftists whining about that!

There are around 181 verses in both the Old (122) and New Testaments (59) [depending on version], with some form of the word ‘Slave’. Yet not one-word condemning slavery! But you never hear this mentioned.

Posted by American Cultist on November 24, 2019
With so much discussion in America regarding the aftermath of slavery, we surprisingly tend to be passive as a society about current forms of human marketplaces. Take, for example, Kuwait, where nine out of ten households have a “domestic worker”. Most workers come from the poorest countries in the world. “4Sale” is an actual slave marketplace app, which features pitches such as “African worker, clean and smiling” and “Nepalese who doesn’t dare to ask for a day off”. Most vendors advocated confiscating women’s passports.

In the majority of circumstances in the Persian Gulf, workers are brought into the country by agencies and then officially registered with the government. These are countries the United States provides with attack helicopters, ballistic missile defense systems, and a cave of wonder’s worth of precision-guided munitions. The Gulf War was initiated by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. Ethical standards for friends always become ambiguous when 8 percent of the world’s oil is involved.
(Yet there is not one word condemning any form of modern slavery from the MSM)

Black Students React to Facts About Slavery Not Mentioned in Schools...

Unknown Facts about the Islamic Slave Trade | Thomas Sowell

The Biggest Lie About Slavery | Thomas Sowell

We should strive as a nation to Move Forward; NOT rehash a time that NONE of us living now had anything to do with… Looking at centuries-old history with a current rose-colored lens is not practical, logical, or enlightening. History is just history, whether you like it or not. We learn from history, not from misplaced ideology.
The DNC has been infamous for ‘promising’ what it has NEVER intended to deliver!

Reparations have been a buzzword in leftist circles for decades, and they mean it to be a massive transfer of wealth from those who did not perpetrate the crime of slavery to those who were not victims of it. Practically, reparations have been paid in the form of “Great Society” welfare — for more than 50 years.
One of the Democrats’ most absurd strategies is offering “Reparations for Slavery”, which is nothing more than a fake “cash-for-votes” scheme to be supposedly billed to American taxpayers.

“Reparations” are used as a normal, yet forever to be an UNFULFILLED “Empty Promise” by Democrats to Blacks every Election Season, to secure the Black Vote, then after Voting Day, it is promptly ignored and put back into cold storage until it is once again revived and brought out for the next Presidential Election Season.

As recompense, when they ended slavery on their shores, they paid reparations... to the former slave OWNERS!! 
As their laws stated then and still state today, the British government must pay for all confiscated private property. Slaves were “property”.
Our own Constitution says the same thing, so... do we track down and pay all the former slave owners’ progeny for their loss of property?

Has anyone else, anywhere in the world, except the White People here in the USA, fought a war against their people, to end Slavery? Native Americans rightfully called it the “Brother/Brother War”.

“There was only one thing unique about slavery in the West: It raised the issue of the morality of slavery, ferociously debated it, and finally abolished it there, before it was abolished in any other civilization. If you care about moral truth rather than, for example, promoting America hatred, you must recognize — and you must teach — that America was one of the first slave-holding societies to abolish slavery. This even includes Africa.” —Dennis Prager

However, in Muslim countries, right now, TODAY, there are 27,000,000 Black slaves, that no Leftist ever complains about! The Muslim word for a Black African means “Pug-nosed Slave”!

Democrats opened this can of worms through their pushing for Reparations for slavery as a ‘legitimate’ idea. This proposal has gone mainstream despite the fact the last person born in America as a slave, died off, over 50 years ago.

One of those Black African Native Tribes that captured, and sold other Black African Natives into SLAVERY, was the Ashanti Tribe, whose Royal Kente cloth garb Nancy Pelosi and company wore, while they ‘took a knee’ at an event honoring the career criminal George Floyd.

“Reparations are both condescending and counterproductive, and to go down that path perpetuates a harmful racial stereotype and further divides our nation. … First, it is impractical and logistically impossible. It is also unfair and heartless to give Black Americans hope that reparations are a reality. Second, debates on reparations do not represent the rich history of a proud and tenacious community, who, like those of my lineage, worked, studied, and overcame to live the American Dream. Third, reparations teach separation and convey a narrative that Black Americans are a hopeless, hapless, and oppressed race entitled to handouts. The core of the debate certainly does not represent Black America’s potential, nor the 150 years of legal, social, and economic progress achieved by millions of American minorities.” —Burgess Owens

In his 2002 book Uncivil Wars: The Controversy over Reparations for Slavery, David Horowitz recounts an ad he produced that listed ten reasons why reparations for slavery are not only a bad idea but a racist one, too. Twenty years later, his list still holds up. Among its points:
•         There was no distinct group that was responsible for slavery.
•         There’s no distinct group that benefited from it exclusively.
•         Only a small minority of White Americans owned slaves, while hundreds of thousands of Whites gave their lives to the cause of abolishing slavery.
•         Most living Americans have no connection to slavery, direct or indirect.
•         The reparations claim is based on race, not injury.
•         The claim is one more attempt to divide the races and turn Blacks into “victims”.
•         Trillions in reparations have already been paid to Blacks via “Great Society” giveaways and other social programs.

The Leftist’s Objective: Historical Revisionism
By banning all things Confederate, they are denying the history of the War Between the States, the war that freed the slaves.
The next generation will never learn that 620,000 White People died to free Black Slaves, thus furthering the lies of so-called “White Privilege” and that “All Whites are Racist”. If that were true, then it is difficult to explain the fact that White People voluntarily went to war and died to bring about the end of Slavery.
As the final verse of the “The Battle Hymn of The Republic” says:
“In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom, that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, LET US DIE TO MAKE MEN FREE,
While God is marching on.”

The Yankee Soldiers would have never made that song so popular among the troops, had the wording of that final verse been nothing but a lie!

The Democratic Party of today argues that all African Americans, (only SOME of whom are descended from slaves) deserve reparations. (Their ancestors being slaves is something we cannot whitewash or forget).
However, this “Reparations” idea has obvious problems, with some of the most salient, being that:

1. In the entire history of the world, there is practically no country, no race, or no people who have not either been slaves at one time, or slaveholders during another time, or both.

2. No one alive today in this country has ever been a slave and no one alive in this country has ever owned slaves. (Unless they are Muslims or Chinese, who are still holding slaves in the Middle East and Mainland China, even today, but you will never hear that from any Leftist sources.)

3. This whole proposition is immoral for many reasons. But in calculating anything like a claim for recompense there should be some form of calculation of the damages and harm done by the “guilty” parties, yet not to harm those whose ancestors were innocent.

4. Slavery has existed in every civilization throughout history. The only question, therefore, isn’t who had slavery, but who was willing to fight and die to abolish it? ANSWER: White Americans!

5. The Democrat’s ‘Jim Crow Laws’ STILL Exist When it Comes to Blacks Owning Guns in Some States!

6. Democrats want to steal money from people whose own ancestors fought, bled, suffered, and died to end slavery! 360,000 Union Soldiers, mainly White men suffered and died and paid “reparations” with their blood to free four million slaves.

7. Many Civil War Veterans were maimed for life, by the loss of arms, legs, vision, or suffered war-related illnesses.

8. Many Blacks fought for either the North or the South during the Civil War.

9. The progeny of the White Conductors on the Underground Railroad who risked their lives if they were caught, should not be held responsible for Reparations.

10. White People in the 1960s died to give Blacks their Civil Rights!
Internet Search term: “The Onion Field”

11. Over one thousand Free-Blacks in the South OWNED Slaves too, so how is it that their progeny deserves any reparations?

12. According to the 1860 Census only 1.4% of all White Americans owned slaves.

13. Many Chinese who came here to work the gold fields and railroads were treated almost as slaves, and they produced millions of children. How are they to be held responsible?

14. Many Whites and people of other races were immigrants who came to the USA, AFTER the Civil War and they produced millions of children! How are they to be held responsible?

15. Many millions of African Blacks got off the boat, AFTER the Civil War until today, and they produced many millions of children!

16. “By the 1980s more Black Africans had come to America voluntarily as immigrants seeking Freedom and Opportunity than ever came as slaves.” —Dennis Prager
How are any of them owed Slavery reparations?

17. “If America is systemically racist against Black people, if every White American is a racist, why have more than four million Black people emigrated from Africa and the Caribbean to the United States since the 1960s? Tens of millions more would if they could. Are they all fools? Is there any other example of a vast number of people immigrating to a country that hates them? Why would anyone move to a country that is systemically bigoted against them? Did any Jews immigrate to Germany after the Nazis came to power in 1933?” —Dennis Prager

18. Yet, Southern Democrats whose own ancestors OWNED the slaves would pay an equal “share”!

19. Many Blacks are Mixed Race, some going back generations, what kind of financial gymnastics is that called for? There would need to be Nazi-like ‘inquiries’ into the claimant’s racial background, to determine their share. Or would fake “Blacks” like Rachel Dolezal collect?

20. Many people, both Whites and Blacks, are of mixed ancestry with all the races and nations on the earth.

21. A Black man named Anthony Johnson was the very FIRST person to own Black slaves, in the USA, he came here to make more money raising tobacco by the use of slavery, because slavery was the most lucrative business (and it still is in Africa and the Middle East, they are STILL selling their people into slavery.) He had four White and one Black indentured servant. The Black indentured servant, John Casor demanded that Johnson release him after his allotted seven years of indenture. The court ruled in Johnson’s favor and made Casor a slave for LIFE. (It’s not clear if Anthony Johnson also kept his White indentured servants as slaves for Life)

22. The very first slaves in the US were Irish children, shipped here by the British, arrived four months before the first Black slaves arrived… Irish adults came later… most of them died before they made much of an impact on US history and are mainly forgotten. Most were FORCEFULLY DEPORTED FROM IRELAND AND SOLD INTO INDENTURED SERVITUDE. Whereas the normal indenture is a voluntary contract for a certain number of years to work without compensation and to pay off an earlier debt.
Internet Search term: “The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten White Slaves”

23. Muslim slave traders from Africa and Arabia sold MORE Whites into slavery by raiding Europe than they did by raiding the Black African people.

24. Black African Tribes such as the Ashanti captured and sold other Blacks to both Muslim and White Slavers. However, sometimes the Slave Trading Tribes later became the hunted. 

25. It was the Ashanti’s own Kente Cloth that the Democrats wore in the halls of Congress when they ‘took a knee’ for the career criminal George Floyd.
Internet Search term: “Black African tribes that sold others into slavery.”

26. Democrats claim that “DACA” kids should not have to pay for their own parents’ crimes. However, those very same Dems believe that ALL White people are still responsible for the actions of pre-Mid-19th Century Democrat Slave Owners!

27. Vice President Kamala Harris, a FAKE black woman (read: a Bay Area progressive of Jamaican-East Indian descent who grew up in Canada and whose ancestors were slaveowners when asked about her family’s history of owning slaves in Jamaica, says “That was in the past and has nothing to do with me”. This throws ice water on the whole “Reparations” argument!

28. They really need to sue the people who enslaved them for the money that they are demanding!

29. Can you say: “Equal application of the law”?

Southern Democrats primarily, then all other Democrats because they are the ones who owned the Ku Klux Klan, Lynchings, Jim Crow Laws, Racial Segregation, and Black Voter Suppression… We must also INCLUDE BLACK Democrats because many Free-Blacks in the South OWNED Slaves and voluntarily fought for the South too!

So, the Black Dems get to “Pay” themselves… after the usual obligatory Governmental “Slight Charge for Shipping and Handling”!

Bottom line: don’t let the Democrats change America for the worse. Remember November!

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See also:
Reparations for Slavery -- Walter E. Williams


Inquiring Minds Want to Know 
“Slavery has been a fact of human existence throughout recorded history. Why did it suddenly create capitalism a couple of centuries ago in a few select places, namely the Netherlands, Britain, and the American colonies? Why didn’t the Romans create it? The Vikings? The Spanish? Slavery and cotton production indeed played a large role in the (Early) American economy, but they weren’t determinative. As Phillip Magness of the American Institute for Economic Research points out, slave-produced cotton and its derivatives accounted for 5 or 6% of GDP before the Civil War. ... If slavery was the basis of capitalism, one wonders, why did the capitalist North dare wage a war to destroy the seedbed of its prosperity? Why didn’t the region that was the great source of capitalism win the war based on its superior economic wherewithal rather than getting ground down by a more financially proficient and productive North? Finally, how did American capitalism survive the end of chattel slavery?” —Rich Lowry


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