The Mormon cult was Founded by a human being, not GOD Himself, by Joseph Smith (1805-1844) in Palmyra, New York, in 1829. They also call themselves “Latter Day Saints”.

The “god and jesus” that Mormons worship does not have the same familiar attributes as found in any real Christian Churches. That makes them non-Christian. 


Exodus 20:3 “Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.”
This is another “jesus” and another “gospel”, as found in the Holy Bible's Galatians 1:6-9
6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

2 Corinthians 11:3-4 and 13-14
3 But I fear lest, as the serpent seduced Eve by his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted, and fall from the simplicity that is in Christ.
4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Christ, whom we have not preached; or if you receive another Spirit, whom you have not received; or another gospel which you have not received; you might well bear with him.
13 For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14 And no wonde
r: for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light.

The Mormon “church” is a non-Trinitarian cult. (They do not believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as true Christians believe) 

They believe: “You too can become a ‘god’ of your very OWN planet, just as their fake ‘jesus’ is the 'god’ of ONLY planet Earth, not the entire universe, by a process they call ‘Eternal Progression’.

The entire Mormon “faith” is entirely dependent on the varicosity of just one man. The so-called ‘proofs’ that Smith claimed to have, they now admit that they no longer exist, or cannot be found, and supposedly ‘disappeared’ during Smith’s lifetime, or shortly after that, but the real reason for that is because they NEVER WERE, and never existed!

Some Mormon Beliefs
Jesus Christ is Satan’s brother.
“God” lives on a planet called Kolob.
“God the Father” has a Goddess Wife, called Heavenly Mother. What, only ONE wife?
God the Father, has children with his Goddess wife.
The Garden of Eden was in Missouri.
Mormons are the REAL Christians.
Before 1978 Blacks could not join the Mormons.
Mormons ‘Baptize’ long-dead non-Mormon relatives.
Mormons believe they will become ‘Gods’…
and they will become the ‘Gods’ of their own planet after death.
Mormons wear ‘Magic Underwear’ that they only remove for bathing.
Mormons believe it is a sin to have a hot drink.

By what proof, did Joseph Smith receive the GOD ALONE “right” to start any new “church”?

Mormonism and Christianity have significant differences in their beliefs. Here are some key distinctions:
Christianity: It dates back to the mid-30s A.D., with the events of Pentecost and the birth of the church. The Bible (both Old and New Testaments) is foundational.
Mormonism: It emerged in the 19th century A.D. through Joseph Smith, who claimed divine visions and claimed to have found a book that had gold pages that was written in an unknown language. Then he magically translated the “Book of Mormon”.
Christianity: Believes in one triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) who is sovereign, self-existent, and unchanging.
Mormonism: Teaches eternal progression—God was once a man and progressed to become God. Humans can also become gods.
Christianity: Accepts traditional creeds and confessions.
Mormonism: Rejects post–New Testament Christian formulations Link-1  Link-2.
In summary, while Mormons consider themselves Christians, their beliefs diverge significantly from mainstream Christian theology. True Christianity centers on faith in Jesus Christ’s finished work for salvation  Link-1.

Before Joseph Smith started his cult, he was arrested and convicted in New York and was found guilty of being a con artist, an impostor—he was a necromancer (a person who uses witchcraft or sorcery, especially to reanimate dead people or to foretell the future by communicating with the dead) and a charlatan (a person who pretends or claims to have more knowledge or skill than they possess; fraud; quack). This conviction was four years before he published his “Book of Mormon”. Court documents prove he was a convicted criminal. The promiscuous jailbird con-artist, and crackpot, who was the sole founder and its self-proclaimed “prophet”. Smith died in a hail of gunfire—not by a group of “anti-Mormons,” but by men whose wives and daughters he had tried to ruin! When the jail was stormed, Joseph Smith used a handgun to kill two men and wound another.

The crackpot Mormon founder and “prophet” Joseph Smith taught that there was life on the moon, just like another false prophet and crackpot Mohammad, who said: “If life is found on the moon it will (already) be Muslim”. The very fact that these so-called “prophets” taught that there was “Life on the Moon” throws profoundly serious doubt into the rest of Smith’s teachings, as well as Mohammad’s. Smith proclaimed that the moon was inhabited by people six feet tall who dressed like Quakers and lived to be 1,000 years old! (Source: Journal of Oliver B. Huntington, a devout Mormon contemporary of Joseph Smith.) Ah, the benefits of making it all up on the fly!

Every summer, Mormons have been sending out expeditions of archaeologists, geologists, and other scientists looking for any of the remains of the ancient peoples as Smith described as evidence of the so-called civilization as “recorded” and the exact lands as “mapped” in the “Book of Mormon”. So far, the expeditions have all came back empty-handed because there is NOTHING TO FIND!

In only a mere 2,400 years, major landforms will not change! Mountains, valleys, rivers, and coastlines will remain practically identical! However, rivers can newly form, die, or change course. (The Mississippi River now passes to the east rather than west of the town of Kaskaskia, Illinois, and is accessible only from Missouri. However, the rest of the entire river remains essentially the same as it always has.)

The Mormon “church” is a non-Trinitarian cult (They do not believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as true Christians believe) They believe: “You too can become a ‘god’ of your very OWN planet, just as their fake ‘jesus’ is the 'god’ of ONLY our own planet, by what they call ‘Eternal Progression’.” This asserts that God was once a man and that humans may become ‘gods’ themselves.

Mormons are POLYTHEISTS who someday hope to become the ‘god’ of their own planet, after death. They believe in their version of “God the Father” that he was a good Mormon on another planet, that they call “Planet Kolob” . It is supposed to be: “The god-planet where all gods come from” and their version of “jesus” became the god of our own planet ONLY. This begs the question: According to Mormons the Planet Kolob is where all “gods” come from, and YOU come from Earth or some other pretend Mormon planet, but NOT Kolob, how can YOU become a ‘god’?

More of the benefits of making it all up on the fly!
 “Oh! What A Tangled Web We Weave, When First We Practice to Deceive”. 

The Mormon ‘religion’ is totally made-up, all based on only one mysterious Biblical mention, John 10:16 “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one-fold, and one shepherd.” 
Unless Jesus was speaking of the Gentiles who will be brought into the one sheepfold, there is no further mention or explanation in the Bible of who or where these ‘other sheep’ are supposed to be. Jesus could have been referring to all the non-Jewish people on earth.

Now get this: Mormons believe that at least one of the Lost Tribes of Israel somehow made it to the New World and were later converted as the ‘Other Sheep’ to be the early Mormons, by their ‘Jesus’. Then, all the while under their ‘god’s’ guidance, they and their great civilization all died out and disappeared, leaving no trace except for the objects that Joe Smith supposedly found, and those items later “disappeared” or were supposedly lost or stolen.
According to Mormon teaching, their fake ‘jesus’ only supposedly established just ONE Mormon ‘beachhead’ somewhere in the New World, (and it died out!) not many different beachheads all over the entire world!
According to Mormon beliefs, Jesus is the ‘god’ of just our planet, so it would be quite impossible for their ‘jesus’ to Redeem the people of other planets, even in other galaxies!
Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…”
Mark 16:15 “And he said to them, (Jesus’ Disciples) Go into all the world, and preach the glad tidings to all the creation”.
Matthew 16:18 “…I will build My church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”.
John 14:18 “I will not leave you as orphans…”
Matthew 28:20 “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”.
Yet, the “Ancient New World Mormon Civilization” (if it ever actually existed at all) DIED OUT!
What part of “With you Always” do they not understand?!

Perhaps Mr. Smith’s doubtful tale should be told on the ‘Svengoolie’ or ‘Mystery Science Theater 3000’ TV programs?

There is a Mormon version of the bible that they use, that has been thoroughly bowdlerized (to modify by abridging, simplifying, or distorting in style or content) and then edited to “prove” the Book of Mormon is correct.
It’s grimly amusing when Mormons use their bowdlerized “Bible” to validate LDS teaching when LDS teaching denies the validity of the Bible.                  ABSURD!

Orson Pratt an ‘Originating Member of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles’ believed and proclaimed that the Book of Mormon is inspired and true.
However, he said:
“If false, [The Book of Mormon] is one of most cunning, wicked, bold, deep-laid impositions ever palmed upon the world, calculated to deceive, and ruin millions who will sincerely receive it as the word of God, and will suppose themselves securely built upon the rock of truth until they are with their families into hopeless despair.” -- Orson Pratt
With that, Orson unwittingly told the Gospel Truth! 

A Comparison of Mormonism and Historic Christianity -- August 22, 2011“By contrast, Mormonism teaches that many Gods made the world (Book of Abraham 4:1-31) and that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are three separate Gods (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 41-42). It also teaches that the Father has a wife, our heavenly mother, and that we are “literally” the offspring of divine parents (Ensign, Jan. 1989).” 

Joseph Smith believed that the Garden of Eden was in Jackson County, Missouri!
Have you ever been there? It’s not THAT nice!
Genesis 2:10-14
According to the Bible, a single river flows “out” of Eden and then does something that most rivers DO NOT do; specifically, split into four separate “heads” or rivers that continue to flow downstream, all fed from a common single river source. Almost all rivers start from a single source or are fed by multiple sources (tributaries). There is nothing like that anywhere near Jackson County, or Independence, Missouri.

People who make it all up as they go, tend to start running off at the mouth, to “prove” their doubtful claims!

At different times, Joseph Smith claimed that Elohim (God the Father) and Jesus... or just Jesus... or a host of angels... or a single angel [Moroni] appeared to him. Seriously, if he couldn’t even keep his story straight, how could anyone honestly be expected to believe him?

Why Mormons such as Mormon President Gordon Hinckley hold that the memory of the cross must be given a back seat to draw attention to the resurrection is puzzling since the evidence clearly shows how Jesus dying on the Cross and being raised on the third day is a major theme in the New Testament. 

They also believe that Jesus and Lucifer were brothers on the “God-Planet Kolob”. Mormonism believes that Satan was a “spiritual son” of God, (whatever that is) named Lucifer, whose plan to negate human free will was rejected, leading him to rebel.
What part of Jesus being “God’s Only Begotten Son” do they not understand?

Mormons believe: “As man is, God was. As God is, man shall become”. This heresy is not found anywhere in the Bible, yet it is a major tenet of Mormonism, and it holds that God and man are essentially of the same and that their fake “God the Father” once had or still does have a body of flesh and bones.
While the LDS speak about “God the Father, his Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit The fine print” is that they “don’t believe in the traditional concept of the Trinity,” believing instead that “the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are three separate beings who are one in purpose.” In other words, instead of believing in the Trinity, they believe that these are three separate gods who work together.
Several things follow from this idea. First, the Mormon depiction of “God” is clearly not the immaterial Creator of all space and time. He is, rather, a powerful being from another planet who lived, died, was resurrected (seemingly by his own god!), and is now exalted. He lives with his Wife and Mother in Heaven, who is a goddess, but to whom we’re not allowed to pray. Second, this seems to suggest that the Virgin Birth wasn’t a miraculous overshadowing of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit, but the Father physically impregnating Mary. (This isn’t official church teaching but is a view held by many LDS, and one seemingly consistent with Smith’s view of God.)

All Gnostic and pagan movements share the same goal: a coming “new pantheist order” and “new godman” completely purified of all evil and existing in oneness with the other gods.
This is the anti-gospel of Satan, thus the antithesis of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, as found in the Holy Bible. It’s time to dump Joseph Smith’s version of ‘jesus’ for the real one we find in the Bible.
According to Mormonism, their version of “god” is not uniquely self-existent, transcendent, or eternal. Neither is he truly the creator of all things, for he is just one among potentially trillions of other ‘gods’.
The Mormon doctrine of God is different from the historic Christian or Jewish view (the Biblical view). Mormonism sees Angels as humans in spirit form (before birth or after death) or resurrected (immortal) humans. Human spirits who follow Satan may be considered Satan’s angels, but the term “angel” usually refers to those who follow God. Mormonism believes that its adherents may become “gods” in the next life, through following its teachings and receiving certain necessary ordinances.

Just saying the name ‘Jesus’ doesn’t mean much until we make clear which ‘Jesus’ we are talking about. We must face the fact that many different ‘saviors’ can be smuggled in under the name ‘Jesus,’ just as many different deities can be disguised under the term ‘God’ and vastly unusual ways of living can be promoted under the name ‘Christianity’. Take a hard look at the Muslim’s ‘Isa’, (their fake ‘jesus’) who as they say, was just another Prophet and never crucified. The Mormon’s “Jesus” who is just the god of only our planet, and all other planets each have their own gods, and the Mormon’s ‘Jesus’ has Satan as his brother. Just as the Jehovah’s Witness denies the Trinity, denies the Sonship, deity, and the divinity of Christ, and denies His physical resurrection, the resurrection of the body. They claim their “messiah” to be the Archangel Michael!

When it comes to business dealings with non-Mormons, the Mormons may not be quite ethical and may at times border on the criminal.

They are one of the richest churches in the world rivaling Catholicism in its wealth. The President of the church is supposed to be a “PROPHET OF GOD”. “The ‘Prophet’s word’ is ‘straight from God’ and must be obeyed.”
Mormon Church has misled members on a $100 billion tax-exempt investment fund, a whistleblower alleges.
A former investment manager alleges in a whistleblower complaint to the Internal Revenue Service that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has amassed about $100 billion in accounts intended for charitable purposes, according to a copy of the complaint obtained by The Washington Post. (Funny how this Charitable Fund money has grown so humongous because it is practically never used to actually FUND Charity!)

Elderly members of the Mormon church are regularly set to work on Mormon-owned commercial properties as “missionaries”. They are expected to pay for their housing, food, clothing, and insurance while working 10 to 12 hours a day without remuneration of any kind. On top of these expenses, they are also expected to keep paying tithing and other regular donations. This type of exploitation is usually linked to extreme cults but also demonstrably applies to the Mormon church.

To be a member in good standing you cannot be in arrears in your ten-percent tithing, miss church, or violate the “teachings”.
This entitles you to wear special underwear the “temple garment” that has been “blessed” that you must always wear and pay for. Church president Joseph F. Smith taught that the garment was to be held as “the most sacred of all things in the world, next to their own virtue, next to their own purity of life.” Men hold “the priesthood”. Women cannot. Thus, women have no real positions of authority in their religion.
Special privileges include baptizing for the dead, temple ceremonies, secret temple rituals, and meetings. Their “God” lives on a planet called “Kolob” where he resides with his four wives. They believe the earth is only four thousand years old, but when confronted with the pyramids they just look confused.
According to them, the original Mormons were one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, when God split them up Circa 722 BC, they supposedly landed somewhere in the Americas.

They even refer to themselves as “the Mormon culture”, of which Mitt Romney is a member in good standing.
-- I don’t trust him.

The Mormon leader Joseph Smith said that “Jesus did not finish his mission”. Smith said that he was to finish it for Him. The last words of Jesus before dying on the Cross was “It is finished”. Meaning the plan of salvation was completed. They believe Jesus and Satan are brothers! What a cult!!! One must also investigate the violence they have used on others who refused to follow them in their false teachings.

The Mormons are still extremely upset about Nauvoo, Illinois, and Missouri. To this day they have a chip on their shoulder and have an “us against everybody else” attitude. They can be extremely physical and combative. Years ago, when they played church sports against non-Mormons, people were receiving terrible injuries not just from playing basketball or softball, but from people in the stands. There were broken jaws, legs, hands, and eyes that were permanently damaged, you name it. This also spilled over to when they would play interdenominational teams to the point where they were barred as a whole!

The Mountain Meadows Massacre
A series of attacks by Mormons on the Baker–Fancher emigrant wagon train, at Mountain Meadows in southern Utah. The attacks began on September 7, 1857, and culminated on September 11, 1857, resulting in the mass slaughter of most of the emigrant party by members of the Utah Territorial Militia from the Iron County district and purportedly aided with some Paiute Native American allies. The militia, officially called the Nauvoo Legion, was composed of Utah’s Mormon settlers. The Mormon perpetrators killed all the adults, men, women, and older children totaling about 103. Seventeen children, all younger than seven, were spared. Those killed were just a peaceful bunch of people on their way to California from Arkansas. After the murders were committed, the killers panicked and went back the next day, mutilated all the bodies, and scalped a sizable number to try and make it look like it was just an Indian attack.
Those murders were also a mass violation of the Ninth Commandment: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”.

One of the stranger UNBIBLICAL things they believe is that Jesus and “Lucifer” are brothers. Why would a bunch of very early Jews, according to Smith, who were recent members of one of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel and were supposedly cut off from the rest of the world for seven hundred years BEFORE Christ, could somehow use the name “Lucifer” for Satan? That alone should set off alarm bells! The name Lucifer is ROMAN or GREEK in its origin, meaning ‘bringer of light’. A term that they would NEVER HAVE HEARD, NOR could have USED at that time. This is just one of the word inconsistencies in the Book of Mormon.
How did the translation “Lucifer” arise? This word comes from St. Jerome’s Latin Vulgate, where “Lucifer” appears just 3 times: Job 11:17, Isaias (Isaiah) 14:12, and 2 Peter 1:19, however, in most modern Bibles, twice in these 3 passages listed: Job and 2 Peter is the word is ‘Morning Star’ or ‘Day Star’ which refers to Jesus!
See: Why does the Bible use ‘morning star’ to refer to both Jesus and Satan? 

Another book of LDS scripture, the Doctrine & Covenants, furthers this problem in 76:26 when it affirms the false Christian doctrine that “Lucifer” means Satan.
This incorrect doctrine also spread into a third set of Mormon scriptures, the Pearl of Great Price, which describes a war in heaven based, in part, on Joseph Smith’s incorrect interpretation of the word “Lucifer” which only appears in Isaiah.
This is what happens when you make things up, on the fly!

The name Lucifer wasn’t equated with Satan until after St. Jerome in the Fourth Century AD.
It only appears in the Bible just once: Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Mormons claim that an ancient record (the original “Book of Mormon”) was written beginning in about 600 BC, and the author in 600 BC supposedly copied Isaiah in Isaiah’s original words. When Joseph Smith pretended to translate the supposed ‘ancient record’, he included the Lucifer verse in the Book of Mormon. Obviously, he wasn’t copying what Isaiah himself wrote. He was copying the King James Version of the Bible, written in 1611 AD.

The thoroughly falsified “Book of Mormon” mentions animals living here in the Americas circa 400 BC. Animals that only arrived with Europeans, after the Fifteenth Century: horses, donkeys, cattle, oxen, and elephants! The Mormon ‘fairytale’ claims that battles were fought with horse-drawn chariots and using metal swords. It is exceedingly difficult to fight battles with horse-drawn chariots and swords, when horses, metal swords, and the wheel were unknown in the Americas! No trace of any of the potentially millions of ancient swords has been found. It mentions growing the farm crops of wheat and barley which were also unknown by the Native populations.
Mormons claim that the ancient Mormons had written extensively on gold plates and that they used coins… Nothing has been found of these, no civilization can be so thoroughly wiped out that NOTHING exists of it today!

This so-called Religion is a CULT just like ISLAM is an evil CULT. Both Religions worship neither the TRUE God nor even a Saint. They were both started by ordinary Nobody-Men, Joseph Smith, and Mohammed. Both were no one special at all and just a couple of ‘nobodies’, each with an evil scheme to get rich and have all the ‘wives’ they wanted. They do not believe in Jesus Christ as the (Universal) Messiah and the ONLY Son of the ONE and ONLY TRUE God.

They say they believe in Jesus and end their prayers in his name. But if you investigate the Book of Mormon he is not spoken of after he first appears. The rest is a “history” (I use that term very loosely) of the people of Mormon somewhere in the American continent. They also say they believe in the Bible, “in so far as it is correctly translated”. Meaning they are very adept at cherry-picking that which supports and discarding or glossing over that which does not.

Their missionaries are usually in their late teens with little life experience. These “Lessons” they give usually consist of questions with the answers of which are memorized by rote and the answers paint a rosy picture of you and ALL your family together in “heaven” especially your wife. What is never mentioned is the fact your wife wears a veil when she enters heaven and if you don’t want to claim her, you just leave that old veil right where she be! Then somehow, she can’t recognize you.

Reportedly: Lessons go well until you ask a question about the tenets of their faith, that they don’t know and “will have to consult with a higher authority”. They will have the answer next week for sure.
Next week, no answer, but now you ask a different question. Same response, same no answer and you NEVER see or hear from a higher authority. So, after about six weeks of “LESSONS” and ten or so unanswered questions about their faith you finally confront them with all these questions, and you’re telling me you will get the answers from somebody higher up in the church hierarchy?”
Answer: “Uh, we don’t know. The answers are a matter of faith”.

Mormonism is UNBIBLICAL!
Their so-called Mormon “jesus” is NON-BIBLICAL!
Any ‘successor’ religion would necessarily have to fulfill and complement the prior religion. Jesus and his Ministry were predicted many times in the Old Testament’s Torah and Tanakh, but no hint or mention of Joe Smith or Mormonism.
We have been lied to, concerning Mormonism and millions have unfortunately bought into those lies!
Mormonism (As well as Islam) has no province for what they ‘claim’. They both ‘claim’ to be the final revelation of “god’s” word. Yet both of the followers of these two so-called ‘religions’ claim that they ‘worship’ the same ‘god’ as Christians and Jews and are an “Abrahamic religion” yet are utterly alien to authentic Jewish and Christian modes of belief, theology, and practice!
One of the great advantages of having the Old Testament and the New Testament in one Bible is that they give support to each other. Together they strengthen our faith that both are God’s word.
The Old Testament was the Prediction, and the New Testament is the Fulfillment of God’s Word.
There are NO predictions in the Torah and Tanakh, or the New Testament that refer to Mormonism or Joseph Smith!
However, Mormonism does not fulfill or complement anything Jewish or Christian… it instead is antagonistic, antithetical, contradictory, diametrically opposed, and irreconcilable in all ways!
(The above also applies to Mohammad, Koran, and Islam)

They are into studying genealogical records because they believe in the ‘baptism’ of their long-dead ancestors and pray to get them into their version of “heaven”. However, REAL Christians believe that if someone has been sent to Hell, it is a forever one-way trip!
(Just how long do they think is eternity?)

There is ONLY ONE GOD, the GOD of all creation of the entire universe, not an untold multitude of “gods” for each individual planet!
Jesus is God’s only begotten Son!
God the Father had only ONE Son, His Holy Name is Jesus Christ, who has no brothers, especially NOT one named SATAN!
Jesus does not have Satan for his brother!

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

Service in the Mormon Church is often that you are “voluntold”, you now have a “calling” to do this thing that we need you to do. People are “called” through the “revelation of those in authority” over them.

Do you know what happens if a person leaves the LDS? (In certain sects)
The entire LDS community shuns them, and you will be forcefully NOT allowed to visit any other Mormons, even your very own immediate family, or any Mormon friends or relatives unless they also leave that Sect of the LDS. Mormonism ostracizes those who leave their faith. When someone leaves the LDS Church, that person’s character is most likely attacked. False witness is borne. Slanderous accusations loosed. Reputations destroyed. They try to discredit the witnesses against the LDS Church in hopes that no one will believe in or follow them.

Similar to Muslim honor killings, Mormons are given free rein to practice blood atonement on those they feel are TRAITORS to the faith. Blood Atonement, teaches that some sins were not dealt with through Christ’s death. For these sins, said Brigham Young, a person must be executed and have his or her blood spilled.
(From: “Cults, New Religious Movements, and Your Family” pg. 187)
This obvious act of violence is said to be an “act of love”, to save the victim’s eternal soul. Of course, it is quite ILLEGAL, so it is done in the utmost secrecy, so it is not publicly known about, even by most of the average rank-and-file Mormons. And guess what? It still happens.
Just let that sink in.

The Mormon CULT has more in common with Islam (another completely made-up CULTIC ‘religion’ with a fake, Totally Non-Biblical (‘jesus’, who is their ‘Isa’) than Christianity!
People in a cult must follow the founder’s vision unerringly and do everything as commanded, including certain required modes of behavior, wearing certain clothing, etc.
In Islam’s “The Reliance of the Traveler and Tools for the Worshiper” there are two pages or more of instructions for bodily elimination, these are just “Recommended Suggestions” viciously enforced under Shariah Law… if you want to keep your head!
What else would you expect from Satan’s favorite “religion”? (Mormonism being the second favorite) This all recalls, “Thou shalt not have strange gods before me”.

From the perspective of religion, “a cult is a religious or semi-religious sect whose members are controlled almost entirely by a single individual or by an organization.” “A cult is a group or movement with a shared commitment to a usually extreme ideology that is usually embodied in a charismatic leader.” -- Janja Lalich 

A cult is usually manipulative, demanding total commitment and loyalty from its followers. The accepted attributes of a cult are:
1. A leader (dead or alive) who is considered absolutely infallible.
2. Prescribed food and dress to which everyone must adhere.
3. Repetitive and frequent group sessions to reinforce group behavior.
4. Violent and often brutal treatment of backsliders or people who wish to leave the cult.
5. A cult tells you what God is like. No individual contact with God is allowed.
6. Regulation of every aspect of life in the group… 24/7/365, down to the minutest detail.
7. The leader often breaks his own rules that he has set for others.
8. Outsiders are demonized, and cult members are discouraged from contact or friendship with people outside the cult.
9. Cults are seldom tolerant of others.
10. Obsessive ways of doing things. Converts are usually cut off from all former associations, including their own families. Islam, Mormonism, ‘Hare Krishna’, the ‘Family of Love’ led by Moses David Berg, and Sun Myung Moon’s ‘Unification Church’ are some examples of this kind of cult.

Pseudo-Christian Cults
The second way to define a cult is popular in evangelical Christian circles. From this perspective, a cult is any group that deviates from the orthodox teachings of the historic Christian faith being derived from the Bible and confirmed through the ancient ecumenical creeds.
These groups deny or distort fundamental Christian doctrines such as the Trinity, the deity of Christ, and salvation by grace through faith and works. Some cults that would fall into this category are the Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science, The Way International, Quakers, Unitarian Church, and the Unity School of Christianity.
Others have fallen away from the Gospel TRUTH and have now fallen under Cult Status, such as some of the individual Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, and Episcopalian churches that are under differing beliefs and practices, from their traditional beliefs and practices. Such as promoting: Abortion, transgenderism, euthanasia, suicide, and homosexuality.(Not connected to Mormonism)Any so-called “christian church” that accepts abortion, suicide, euthanasia, and/or homosexuality as an accepted practice is not CHRISTIAN! Abortion, transgenderism, euthanasia, suicide, and homosexuality are ALWAYS SINS!

Any person or church that accepts “chrislam” or “christianized islam” as an accepted practice and belief is promoting paganism and is not CHRISTIAN! Most of these cults claim to be Christian and even consider the Bible to be authoritative. But they manipulate the Scriptures to fit their own beliefs. Although they may claim to serve Jesus Christ and may even use much of the same terminology orthodox Christians use, however, their definitions are vastly different.

The most used definition of Cults refers to a religious group that is:
1) Exclusive. They may say, “We’re the only ones with the truth; everyone else is wrong; and if you leave our group your salvation is in danger.”

2) Secretive. Certain teachings are not available to outsiders, or they’re presented only to certain members, sometimes after years of rising in the leadership or taking vows of confidentiality.

3) Authoritarian. A human leader expects total loyalty and unquestioned obedience.

Just suppose you were getting married in a different religion than the one you were brought up in, however, none of your parents, brothers, sisters, and friends can attend the wedding because they are not members of the religion of your spouse. This is certainly a cult.

The Dangers of False Teachings
These so-called “christian groups” above, do not lead to the Christ of the Bible, but to another “jesus” and another “gospel”, as found in 2 Corinthians 11:4

2 Corinthians 11:4; For if he that cometh preacheth another Christ, whom we have not preached; or if you receive another Spirit, whom you have not received; or another gospel which you have not received; you might well bear with him.

Galatians 1:8-9 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema. 9 As we said before, so now I say again: If anyone preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema. [The denunciation of someone as accursed]

Jude 3 Dearly beloved, taking all care to write unto you concerning your common salvation, I was under a necessity to write unto you: to beseech you to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints.

Know that the Bible also goes on to admonish us that we must do this with gentleness, and with respect. Remember, you must present the message, but you need to recognize that it is only the Holy Spirit that changes the heart.

Christians accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Salvation through Jesus is open to everyone. We also believe that God is far above any human being.

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LINKS and Search help:
• How does Christianity differ from Mormonism?
• How does Mormonism contradict Jesus?
How does Islam compare to Mormonism?
• Similarities between Islam and Mormonism
• Islamic And Mormonism Similarities

Mormons Refuted in 4 Points by Dr. Taylor Marshall 


Mormon Church Investment Portfolio Hits $100 Billion. SEC Starts Investigation. 

SEC Charges Mormon Church for Concealing $32 Billion Portfolio 

For Your Further Research from Catholic Answers
What Kind of God Is the Mormon God?
A close look at Mormon doctrines reveals that this is not a Christian religion.

What Do Mormons Believe about the Trinity, the Father… And His Wife?

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